© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 張宗堯稽尚志伉儷 Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ The couple of Zhang Zongyao and Ji Shangzhi
張宗堯 Zhang Zongyao (depicted on image), 稽尚志 Ji Shangzhi (depicted on image),
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 白思德列尹莊女士 Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Ms. Baiside Lieyizhuang
白思德列尹莊 Baiside Lieyizhuang (depicted on image),
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 李吳英女士 Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Ms. Li Wuying
白思德列尹莊 Baiside Lieyizhuang (depicted on image),