© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
好萊塢的一部裸體影片. 電檢會又要忙碌了, a Hollywood nude movie. The movie inspection association will be busy again
亨利侯爵 Hengli hou jue (mentioned in article), 康斯登裴納 Kangsideng Peina (mentioned in article),
Keywords: Hollywood, movies, Nude,
玲瓏雜誌啟事, An Announcement of the Linglong Magazine
Keywords: Linglong Magazine,
(mentioned in advertisement, mentioned in advertisement), 王傳壁 Wang Chuanbi (mentioned in advertisement), 蔣保廉 Jiang Baolian (mentioned in advertisement), 費席珍 Fei Xizhen (mentioned in advertisement), 顏魯卿 Yan Luqing (mentioned in advertisement),