© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
米米喬登 Mimiqiaodeng
Keywords: stars,
米米喬登 Mimiqiaodeng (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
長久不見於銀幕的珂麗摩亞與司潘賽脫萊賽的合影 A picture of Kelimoya yu Sipansaituolaisai who we haven't seen for a long time on the screen.
司潘賽脫萊賽 Sipansaituolaisai (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 珂麗摩亞 Kelimoya (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
沙利文是新進的演員她最喜歡游泳 Sullivan is a new actress. Sports is her favorite leisure activity.
O'Sullivan, Maureen (depicted on image), 沙利文 Shaliwen (mentioned in caption),