© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
珍妮蓋諾就師習吻, Janet Gaynor finds a teacher to learn about kissing
惱門塔文 Nao men ta wen (mentioned in article), 珍妮蓋諾 Zhenni Gainuo (mentioned in article),
Keywords: kissing, stars, Hollywood, movies, Learning,
銀星之吻, Movie stars' kisses
Keywords: kissing, stars, movies, editors notes,
珍妮蓋諾與却爾斯法雷吻的神情 The facial expressions of Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell whey they are kissing
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 却爾斯法雷 Que'ersi Falei (mentioned in caption),
銀星之吻 Movie stars' kisses
Keywords: kissing,