© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
婦女電報, Women's telegrams
宋財長 Song cai chang (mentioned in article), 秀娟 Xiujuan (Author), 紅生 Hong sheng (Author), 陳慧明 Chen Huiming (mentioned in article), 陳皓明 Chen Haoming (mentioned in article),
Keywords: music, everyday life, marriage, public versus private, gossip,
快快預定,過期加價, Subscribe quickly, after this period the price will go up
Brand: 玲瓏雜誌, The Linglong Magazine
Keywords: advertisement, Linglong Magazine, promotion, subscription,
三和公司為服務而創辦信託部, Sanhe company has founded the trust department for serving people
Keywords: advertisement, San Ho Company,
本刊啟事, Announcement of our magazine