No. 040 (16 December, 1931)
Page: 025 (48 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


(下) 北平之代表孫女士演說時之情形 (below) The scene of Ms Sun, the representative of Beiping, making a speech

Keywords: anti-Japanese movements, women,

(Photographer), 孫女士 Sun nu shi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),


(上) 歡送援馬團出發東省之女子軍,圖中除中立一男子外,其餘皆巾幗丈夫 (above) Seeing off the women army of the Ma-supporting group who are setting off for the eastern provinces. In this picture, all are women except the man standing in the middle

Keywords: military, women,
