© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
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克萊恩惠爾勃 Kelai'en Hui'erbo (mentioned in article), 茉荷 Mo He (Author), 黃柳霜 Huang Liushuang (mentioned in article),
明星易得,白馬難求, It is easy to find a star, but hard to get white horses
Maurice Chevalier (mentioned in article), 劉別謙 Liubieqian (mentioned in article), 小慧 Xiao Hui (Author), 馬立師戚凡立 Malishi Qifanli (mentioned in article),
[No caption]
甲: 你想這樣擦他他要覺着痛麼了? 乙: 痛是不會痛的不過要笑煞他罷了。 A: Do you think by rubbing this way he would feel pain? B: I don't think so, but it will make him lauph.