© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
放足紀念, Memorializing unbound feet
蔡愛花 Cai Aihua (mentioned in article), 蔡綠農 Cai Lunong (mentioned in article),
Keywords: foot binding, foot unbinding,
女校開會, Girls' schools open
童同雪 Tong Tongxue (mentioned in article), 陳婉衍 Chen Wanyan (mentioned in article),
Keywords: women's education, schools,
緾足禁令, An order forbidding boundfeet
Keywords: foot binding,
放足大會, A banquet for unbound feet
彭壽齋 Peng Shouzhai (mentioned in article), 王茀卿夫人 Wang Fuqing furen (mentioned in article), 王鶴琴 Wang Heqin (mentioned in article),
Keywords: foot binding, foot unbinding,
天足會議, A meeting to discuss natural feet
劉鐵雲 Liu Tieyun (mentioned in article), 李佳白 Li Jiabai (mentioned in article), 李平書 Li Pingshu (mentioned in article), 沈仲禮 Shen Zhongli (mentioned in article), 王省三 Wang Shengsan (mentioned in article), 立德夫人 Lide furen (mentioned in article),
Keywords: foot binding,