Nüzi Shijie
No. 010 (09 October, 1904)
Page: 065 (86 total)

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滿婦奏興女學摺稿, Manchurian women celebrate girls' schools and write a memorial to the emperor

伯姬 Bo ji (mentioned in article), 冀缺之妻 Ji Que zhi qi (mentioned in article), 太姒 Tai si (mentioned in article), 孟母 Meng mu (mentioned in article), 季氏之婦 Ji shi zhi fu (mentioned in article), 文王 Wen Wang (mentioned in article), 沈雲英 Shen Yunying (mentioned in article), 班昭 Ban Zhao (mentioned in article), 皮氏 Pi shi (mentioned in article), 秦良玉 Qin Liangyu (mentioned in article), 緹縈 Tiying (mentioned in article), 羅應旒 Luo Yingliu (mentioned in article), 邑姜 Yi Jiang (mentioned in article), 馬后 Ma hou (mentioned in article),

Keywords: women's education, China-West comparisons, history,