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上海女士秦浩 Shanghai nushi Qin Hao (Author), 童同雪 Tong Tongxue (mentioned in article), 鄭素伊 Zheng Suyi (mentioned in article), 陳婉衍 Chen Wanyan (mentioned in article),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood, nationalism,
女中大志士鄭素伊陳婉衍童同雪合拍小影, ???
浙江女士萬昭平 Zhejiang Nushi Wan Zhaoping (Author), 童同雪 Tong Tongxue (mentioned in article), 鄭素伊 Zheng Suyi (mentioned in article), 陳婉衍 Chen Wanyan (mentioned in article),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood, nationalism,
感時曲, Song on sensing time
霅溪女界之一人 Zhaxi Nujie Zhi Yiren (Author),
Keywords: nationalism,
憂國吟, Song of concern for the country
石門女士呂逸初 Shimen nushi Lu Yichu (Author),
Keywords: military, nationalism,