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讀女學報第四期女界近史漫題四絕, On reading Nüxue bao's fourth issue and the recent history of women, four quatrains spilled forth
常州悟因女士汪毓真 Changzhouo Wuyin Nushi Wang Yuzhen (Author),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood,
見女子世界徵文以女中華命題愧不能文詩以備媵, Upon Seeing Women's World's notice soliciting authors and the proposed topic on being ashamed I was not able to write a
常州悟因女士汪毓真 Changzhouo Wuyin Nushi Wang Yuzhen (Author),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood, nationalism,
祝女子世界, Well-wishes for Women's World