李梅航君寄贈/ 李浩然君 - Mr. Li Meihang sent and gave/ Li Haoran
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
李梅航 Li Meihang (mentioned in caption)
李浩然 Li Haoran (depicted on image)
一清君寄贈/ 李伯鄉君之女公子 - Yiqing sent and gave/ The daughter of Mr. Li Boxiang
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
一清 Yiqing (mentioned in caption)
李伯鄉 Li Boxiang (mentioned in caption)
李含英女士寄贈/ 李公子(克金) - Mrs. Li Hanying sent and gave/ Li s son (Kejin)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
李克金 Li Kejin (depicted on image)
李含英 Li Hanying (mentioned in caption)
葉植楠君寄贈/ 葉女士(金闌) - Mr. Ye Zhinan sent and gave/ Mis. Ye (Jinlan)
Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
葉植楠 Ye Zhinan (mentioned in caption)
葉金闌 Ye Jinlan (depicted on image)
華軒君寄贈/ 郭公子 - Huangxuan sent and gave/ Guo s son
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
華軒 Huaxuan (mentioned in caption)
郭公子 Guo gong zi (depicted on image)