Funü zazhi
No. 002 (31 January, 1929)
Page: 091 (168 total)

三份薄禮 - Three modest presents

Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: marriage, divorce, motherhood, money, children, kissing, law, America, prostitution/debauched women, psychology, beauty, society, England, education, Love, attire, clothing, dress, Extramarital affairs,

(mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article, mentioned in article)
George Sand (mentioned in article)
八二 Ba Er (Author)
尼可荪 Nikesun (mentioned in article)
席富烈德 Xifuliede (mentioned in article)
桑佐治 Sang Zuozhi (mentioned in article)
法士卑夫人 Fashibei fu ren (mentioned in article)
波爾托夫人 Boertuo fu ren (mentioned in article)
盧梭 Lusuo (mentioned in article)
範倫鐵諾 Fanluntienuo (mentioned in article)
約翰孫 Yuehansun (mentioned in article)
胡德 Hude (mentioned in article)

內分泌的影響 - The influence of endocrine

Subject matters: 新知 - new knowledge,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: body, Physiology, sex education,

徵知 Zheng Zhi (Author)