張曼麗女士 - Ms. Zhang Manli
Painter/Photograph: 席興群 Xi Xingqun (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Colour
Keywords: portrait, front cover,
席興群 Xi Xingqun (mentioned in caption)
張曼麗 Zhang Manli (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)
玲瓏第七年第廿九期 夏季特刊 - Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine, the 7th volum, the 29th issue, special issue for summer
Brand: 玲瓏婦女雜誌 - Lin Loon Ladies' MagazineNotes: 玲瓏第七年第廿九期本夏季特刊。本期另售大洋兩角,附送增刊《歧途之燈》一冊。
Category: Advertisment for Journal
Keywords: Linglong Magazine,