國劇表演“虹霓関“飾丫鬟之王守亨女士 許祖蔭攝 - national drama performance "Hongniguan" by Miss Wang Shouheng photographed by Xu Zuyin
Painter/Photograph: 許祖蔭 Xu Zuyin (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Colourized
Keywords: theatre,
王守亨 Wang Shouheng (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)
許祖蔭 Xu Zuyin (mentioned in caption)
北平國立藝專十九周紀念遊藝會之許汶欣(右)周萍(左)二女士之胡拉舞 許祖蔭攝 - Hula Dance by Xu Wenxin(right) and (Zhou Ping(left) in the social party of the nineteenth anniversary of the national arts school in Beijing
Painter/Photograph: 許祖蔭 Xu Zuyin (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Colourized
周萍 Zhou Ping (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)
許汶欣 Xu Wenxin (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)
許祖蔭 Xu Zuyin (mentioned in caption)