孫總理原配夫人盧氏,近年迁居澳門,虔奉基督教,圖為氏在禮拜堂中守安息日後,出門留影 - Prime Minister Sun´s first wife Ms. Lu has moved to Macao in the past few years and embraced Christianity. The picture is th photo of Ms. Lu coming out after the worship in the chapel.
Painter/Photograph: 陳夢因 Chen Mengyin (Photographer)
Subject matters: Urban scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Additional information:
陳夢因 攝
Keywords: politics, religion, upper class, women,
(mentioned in caption)
盧氏 Lu shi (mentioned in caption, depicted on image)
社會棟樑:北平翊教中學本年度高中畢業生全體合影 - Pillars of society: Group photo of this year´s graduates of Beiping Yijiao Highschool
Painter/Photograph: 許祖蔭 Xu Zuyin (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-Class Photo,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Additional information:
許祖蔭 攝
Keywords: photography, schools, women, student,
北平翊教中學 Beiping Yijiao zhong xue (mentioned in caption)