天一影星陳玉梅女士與胡珊女士一個佔一個鞦韆架 - Tianyi movie stars Ms. Chen Yumei and Ms. Hu Shan both occupy swings
Painter/Photograph: 陸嘉震 Lu Jiazheng (Photographer)
Subject matters: Leisure activities,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Keywords: stars,
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
胡珊 Hu Shan (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
暨南影片公司聲片演員唐雪倩女士在六和塔旁戲水時之情形 - the situation of actress Miss Tang Xueqian of Jinan film company playing water by liuhe tower
Painter/Photograph: 顧文宗 Gu Wenzong (Photographer)
Subject matters: Leisure activities,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
唐雪倩 Tang Xueqian (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)