Funü zazhi
No. 005 (30 April, 1926)
Page: 035 (158 total)

創立新家庭的預備/ 應從學識品行藝術三面着想 - Preparations for establishing a new family/ Should take the three aspects: knowledge, conduct and art into consideration

Column title: 甲種徵文 - Advanced level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: entertainment, marriage, art, Family life/routine, socializing, hygiene, Love, Knowledge,

鐘竹友 Zhong Zhuyou (Author)

創立新家庭的預備/ 應從學識品行藝術三面着想 - Preparations for establishing a new family/ Should take the three aspects: knowledge, conduct and art into consideration

Subject matters: Illustrative diagram,
Medium: Graphics

Function: Related to Article/Ad