玲瓏消息 - Linglong news
Subject matters: 新聞 - news,
Language level: Wenyan
Keywords: stars, movies, News, economics, gossip,
(mentioned in article, mentioned in article)
劉鴻生 Liu Hongsheng (mentioned in article)
林雪懷 Lin Xuehuai (mentioned in article)
魏秀寶 Wei Xiubao (mentioned in article)
她與他 - She and he
Subject matters: 幽默 - humour, 諷刺 - satire,
Language level: Baihua
Serie: Ta yu ta 她與他
Keywords: love and sex, everyday life, money, movies, modern,
兩位摩登青年,一幕狂熱表演,可是在普通場所,我們卻不易見到這種美趣的事情,除非是銀幕上,但終究是泡影,見不到什麼色相。啊! 你要是有金錢,你就可以去享受。猜想些什麼?
[No caption] -
Subject matters: Caricature,
Medium: Line drawing
Keywords: love and sex,
Advertisement她與他 - She and He
Notes: “上項出乃將圖《她與他》書中‘情場圖解’集中之一頁。全書計有十二集。内容係用深刻入微之筆法。正是針針見血,揭破男女虛偽面具,揭露新派情場之黑幕。閱之痛快有趣。現發售預約。每冊四角。南京路五十六號三和公司出版。”Category: Printed materials
Keywords: love and sex, everyday life, advertisement, San Ho Company, satire, caricatures, cartoons, comics,