No. 072 (26 October, 1932)
Page: 015 (56 total)

左為女界著名之長篇滑稽畫不用說明而寓意顯著如舞台中文啞劇 - On the Left is the Most Famous Long Comic strips, the Meaning is Easy to Understand like the Chinese Pantomime on Stage

Subject matters: Caricature,
Medium: Painting-Western medium

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

一個破產了的音樂家奏著他心愛的樂器-自美國HOOY誌- - A Bankrupt Musician Playing his Favorite Instrument-From the American Magazine HOOY

Subject matters: Caricature,
Medium: Painting-Western medium

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad