| 婦女雜誌第一卷第一號 (蘭閨清課) | Ladies' Journal volume 1, issue 1 (Reading leisurely at home) |
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 | 婦女雜誌第一卷第一號目錄 | The Ladies' Journal Table of Contents 1.1 |
 | 婦女雜誌第一卷第一號目錄 | The Ladies' Journal Table of Contents 1.1 |
 | 商務印書館發行/ 女子修身教科書/教授法/通俗實用/家計簿記教科書 | Published by Commercial Press/ Textbook on self-cultivation for women/ teaching guide/ Easy and practical/ textbook on household budgeting and book-keeping |
 | 五洲大藥房廣告 | Advertisement for Wuzhou drugstore |
 | 本誌月刊訂單/ 預訂婦女雜誌簡章 | Subscription information for our monthly magazine |
 | 本誌月刊訂單/ 預訂婦女雜誌簡章 | Subscription information for our monthly magazine |
 | 上海泰豐有限公司中國罐頭食品製造廠 | Factory of tin food of Taifeng company in Shanghai |
 | 泰豐罐頭食品有限公司製造廠攝影 | Photograph of the factory of tin food of Taifeng company |
 | 武進莊苣史女士菊花寒菜寫生 | Still life painting of chrysanthemums and winter vegetables by Ms. Zhuang Jushi of Wujin |
 | 上海商務印書館廣告/ 影印宋詩鈔 | Advertisement for Commercial Press of Shanghai/ A facsimile of Collection of Song poems |
 | 中華眼鏡公司 | Shanghai Optical Co. |
 | 浙江淑群女學吳澤霖女士頌字 | Calligraphy by Ms. Wu Zhelin of Shuqun School for Women in Zhejiang |
 | 江蘇省立第二女子師範校長楊達權女士攝影 | Photo of Ms. Yang Daquan, principal of the Jiangsu Provincial Second Normal School for Women |
 | 江蘇省立第一女子師範校長呂惠如女士攝影 | Photo of Ms. Lu Huiru, principal of the Jiangsu Provincial First Normal School for Women |
 | 上海愛國女學校學生李可澂書黃仲則詩 | Poems of Huang Zhongze, calligraphy by Li Kecheng, a student at the Shanghai Aiguo School for Women |
 | 歐亞歡迎/ 閨閣妝飾品/ 屈臣氏大藥房謹啟 | Popular cosmetics in Europe and Asia/ Watsons Pharmacy announced |
 | 夏士蓮雪花 | Hazeline Snow |
 | 袖珍英漢辭林 | Concise English-Chinese dictionary |
 | 本公司各種光學儀器驗光室 | Optical equipments at the lab of our company |
 | 中國精益眼鏡公司 | Chinese Optical Company |
 | 商城周德英女士畫歲寒三友圖 | Painting of three friends of winter by Ms. Zhou Deying of Shangcheng |
 | 泉唐汪彤女士畫微波落木圖 | Painting of waves and trees by Ms. Wang Tong of Quantang |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房 | Sai Sei Do The Japanese Pharmacy/ Importer and Exporter Druggists |
 | 河南女師範學校主任教員陸植女士及其女弟媳閔瀟湘學士攝影 | |
 | 中國旅遊指南/ 上海指南/ 西湖遊覽指南 | China travel guide/ Shanghai Index/ Travel guide to the West Lake |
 | 上海城東女學學生趙尚達楊雪瑤頌字 | Calligraphy by Zhao Shangda and Yao Xueyao of Chengdong School for Women in Shanghai |
 | 上海競雄女學校長石門徐自華女士小影 | Portrait of Ms. Xu Zihua of Shimen, principal of Jingxiong School for Women in Shanghai |
 | 石門徐蘊華自題小影 | Portrait of Xu Yunhua of Shimen |
 | 英國培德福書院女學生研究植物學及園藝之圖 | |
 | 急救靈藥清快丸 | Emergency medicine Qingkuaiwan |
 | 中華民國四年/學校日記/ 國民日記/ 袖珍日記/ 座右日記/ 七曜日記/日歷 | The fourth year of the Republic [1915]/ Diary for schools/ Diary of a citizens/ Pocket diary/ Diary of important dates/ Weekly diary/ Calendar |
 | 強種補品精血丸 | Fertility medicine |
 | 中將湯 | The Chujoto Tsumura |
 | 中國雙妹老牌化妝用品/ 雙妹老牌花露水/ 雙妹老牌雪花膏 | Double Girls brand fragrance water [perfume]/ Double Girls Brand moiturizing cream |
 | 婦女疾病 | Women illnesses |
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 | 年假獎品/ 新年贈品 | New year holiday presents/ New year's gifts |
 | 婦女雜誌發刊辭一 | Inaugural Essay I |
 | 發刊辭二 | Inaugural Essay II |
 | 婦女雜誌發刊辭一 | Inaugural Essay I |
 | 發刊辭二 | Inaugural Essay II |
 | 發刊辭三 | Inaugural Essay III |
 | 發刊辭二 | Inaugural Essay II |
 | 發刊辭三 | Inaugural Essay III |
 | 發刊辭四 | Inaugural Essay IV |
 | 敬述吾家舊德為婦女雜誌祝 | Recounting the old virtues of my family to celebrate [the inauguration of] Funu zazhi |
 | 發刊辭四 | Inaugural Essay IV |
 | 敬述吾家舊德為婦女雜誌祝 | Recounting the old virtues of my family to celebrate [the inauguration of] Funu zazhi |
 | 敬述吾家舊德為婦女雜誌祝 | Recounting the old virtues of my family to celebrate [the inauguration of] Funu zazhi |
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 | 單級教科書/教授書 | Single grade text books/ teaching manuals |
 | 余之女子教育觀 | My views on women's education |
 | 余之女子教育觀 | My views on women's education |
 | 余之女子教育觀 | My views on women's education |
 | 論女子宜通小學 | Women should learn etymology [Xiaoxue] |
 | 論女子宜通小學 | Women should learn etymology [Xiaoxue] |
 | 論女子宜通小學 | Women should learn etymology [Xiaoxue] |
 | 論女子宜通小學 | Women should learn etymology [Xiaoxue] |
 | 讀郇子勸學篇 | Reading Quanxuebian by Xunzi |
 | 論泥古之非 | On weaknesses of the ancient past |
 | 讀郇子勸學篇 | Reading Quanxuebian by Xunzi |
 | 論游歷有益於文學 | On travel as inspiration for literature |
 | 女子職業造福社會論 | On the benefits of women's work on society |
 | 女子職業造福社會論 | On the benefits of women's work on society |
 | 女子宜廣習各項工藝說 | Women should learn a variety of handicrafts |
 | 女子宜廣習各項工藝說 | Women should learn a variety of handicrafts |
 | 女子宜廣習各項工藝說 | Women should learn a variety of handicrafts |
 | 記許穉梅先生之演說 | Reciting the speech of Mr. Xu Zhimei |
 | 艾迪演說記略 | Notes on the speech of Aidi |
 | 記許穉梅先生之演說 | Reciting the speech of Mr. Xu Zhimei |
 | 艾迪演說記略 | Notes on the speech of Aidi |
 | 學藝 | Learning and skill [title page] |
 | 教育部完全審定共和國教科書 | Republican text books approved by the Ministry of Education |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometic diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometric diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometic diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometric diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometic diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometric diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometic diagrams |
 | 幾何畫法 | How to draw geometric diagrams |
 | 不定方程式 | Irregular formulae |
 | 不定方程式 | Irregular formulae |
 | 不定方程式 | Irregular formulae |
 | 不定方程式 | Irregular formulae |
 | 日用理化學淺話 | Everyday physics and chemistry explained |
 | 日用理化學淺話 | Everyday physics and chemistry explained |
 | 日用理化學淺話 | Everyday physics and chemistry explained |
 | 日用理化學淺話 | Everyday physics and chemistry explained |
 | 日用理化學淺話 | Everyday physics and chemistry explained |
 | 璇璣碎錦柳帶同心結春怨詞 | A palindrome of song lyrics on regrets of the spring/palindrome |
 | 化妝品製造法略說 | Brief notes about the manufacturing of cosmetics |
 | 化妝品製造法略說 | Brief notes about the manufacturing of cosmetics |
 | 化妝品製造法略說 | Brief notes about the manufacturing of cosmetics |
 | 化妝品製造法略說 | Brief notes about the manufacturing of cosmetics |
 | 家政 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 新手工/新縫紉 | New handicrafts/ New tailoring |
 | 論小半臂與女子體育 | On "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 論小半臂與女子體育 | On "small [breast-binding] vests" and women's physical education |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 婦女衛生談 | On women's hygiene |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 (第一式 - 第九式) | Exercises for women during puberty (Styles 1-9) |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 (第一式 - 第九式) | Exercises for women during puberty (Styles 1-9) |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 (第一式 - 第九式) | Exercises for women during puberty (Styles 1-9) |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 (第一式 - 第九式) | Exercises for women during puberty (Styles 1-9) |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 | Exercises for women during puberty |
 | 女子發育時代之運動 (第一式 - 第九式) | Exercises for women during puberty (Styles 1-9) |
 | 烹飪學/ 雞卵之研究 | Culinary knowlege - eggs |
 | 烹飪學/ 雞卵之研究 | Culinary knowlege - eggs |
 | 烹飪學/ 雞卵之研究 | Culinary knowlege - eggs |
 | 烹飪學/ 雞卵之研究 | Culinary knowlege - eggs |
 | 名著 | Famous writings [title page] |
 | 新字典 | New dictionaries |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 女世說(卷一) | Biographies of women (volume 1) |
 | 小說 | Fiction [title page] |
 | 清宮二年記 | Two years at the Qing court |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 黃鸝語 | Sound of a golden oriole |
 | 寒泉一掬 | A scoop from the cold spring [Excerpt from a book?] |
 | 寒泉一掬 | A scoop from the cold spring [Excerpt from a book?] |
 | 寒泉一掬 | A scoop from the cold spring [Excerpt from a book?] |
 | 寒泉一掬 | A scoop from the cold spring [Excerpt from a book?] |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 德皇之偵探(一名偵探之偵探) | Spy of the German King, the spy of all spies |
 | 蓴廬雜綴 | Random notes from the Brasenia Hut |
 | 譯海 | Translated works [title page] |
 | 關係戰事圖書 | Books on wars and [international] relations |
 | 原口氏之女子參政論 | Haraguchi on women's suffrage |
 | 原口氏之女子參政論 | Haraguchi on women's suffrage |
 | 原口氏之女子參政論 | Haraguchi on women's suffrage |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 英后及梅麗公主 | Stories from the war in Europe - The British Queen and Princess Mary ? |
 | 原口氏之女子參政論 | Haraguchi on women's suffrage |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 英后及梅麗公主 | Stories from the war in Europe - The British Queen and Princess Mary ? |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 瑞士出險記 | Stories from the war in Europe - The escape to Switzerland |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 瑞士出險記 | Stories from the war in Europe - The escape to Switzerland |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 瑞士出險記 | Stories from the war in Europe - The escape to Switzerland |
 | 英國女子之經商實驗談 | British women's practical experience of business |
 | 歐洲風雲中之東鱗西爪 - 瑞士出險記 | Stories from the war in Europe - The escape to Switzerland |
 | 家庭新智識 | New knowledge for the household |
 | 英國女子之經商實驗談 | British women's practical experience of business |
 | 家庭新智識 | New knowledge for the household |
 | 家庭新智識 | New knowledge for the household |
 | 蘇州正本女學校校歌 | The school song of Zhengben Girls' School in Suzhou |
 | 文苑 | Literary garden [title page] |
 | 中等國文典/師範講義國文典/馬氏文通/漢文典/中國文典 | |
 | 送徐君德慧至京師序 | Farewell to Xu Dehui on her departure for Beijing |
 | 記中秋 | Remebering the mid-autumn festival |
 | 述舊篇 | Remembering the past |
 | 記中秋 | Remebering the mid-autumn festival |
 | 松林庵消夏記 | Summer at the Songlin Temple |
 | 述舊篇 | Remembering the past |
 | 讀選樓詩稿 | Poems from the Duxuan study |
 | 松林庵消夏記 | Summer at the Songlin Temple |
 | 讀選樓詩稿 | Poems from the Duxuan study |
 | 太倉王采蘋女史畫屏四幅即題四律 | The four poems composed by Ms. Wang Caiping of Taicang to inscribe her four painting scrolls |
 | 讀選樓詩稿 | Poems from the Duxuan study |
 | 法曲獻仙音-題吳虛白女士看劍引杯圖 | |
 | 燭影搖紅- 庚戌感事偕徐芷升同賦 | |
 | 讀選樓詩稿 | Poems from the Duxuan study |
 | 金鏤曲-送秋璿卿妹之滬時將赴揚州 | |
 | 渡江雲 - 問秋 | In the melody of Dujiangyun - questioning in autumn |
 | 憶秦娥 - 聽簫 | In the melody of Yin qin e - listening to the sound of the flute |
 | 南歌子 | |
 | 法曲獻仙音-題吳虛白女士看劍引杯圖 | |
 | 美術 | Art [title page] |
 | 美術品 | Art books and prints |
 | 玉臺藝乘 | Arts of the jade terrace |
 | 玉臺藝乘 | Arts of the jade terrace |
 | 玉臺藝乘 | Arts of the jade terrace |
 | 玉臺藝乘 | Arts of the jade terrace |
 | 玉臺藝乘 | Arts of the jade terrace |
 | 諧文錄雋 - 黃嬌傳 | Classic humourous story - the story of Huang Jiao |
 | 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection [title page] |
 | 日用須知 | Essential knowledge for the everyday |
 | 衛生治療新書 | New books on hygiene |
 | 兒女的說話訓練 | Speaking training for children |
 | 天足考略 | Research on natural foot |
 | 天足考略 | Research on natural foot |
 | 天足考略 | Research on natural foot |
 | 聯語擷華 | |
 | 今婦人集 | Today's women |
 | 今婦人集 | Today's women |
 | 今婦人集 | Today's women |
 | 今婦人集 | Today's women |
 | 可中亭傳奇 | The legend of Kezhong pavillion |
 | 可中亭傳奇 | The legend of Kezhong pavillion |
 | 可中亭傳奇 | The legend of Kezhong pavillion |
 | 可中亭傳奇 | The legend of Kezhong pavillion |
 | 可中亭傳奇 | The legend of Kezhong pavillion |
 | 閨秀詞話 | |
 | 傳記 | Biography [title page] |
 | 唐宋元明名家法帖 | Works by famous calligraphers from Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming |
 | 孝女何愛文傳 | Biography of filial daughter He Aiwen |
 | 阿靈小傳 | A short biography of A Ling |
 | 先妣周孺人寒燈課子圖記 | Story of my late Mother Zhou Ruren instructing [her] children on a cold night |
 | 孝女何愛文傳 | Biography of filial daughter He Aiwen |
 | 阿靈小傳 | A short biography of A Ling |
 | 西客神話 | |
 | 紀載 | Digest [Title page] |
 | 通俗新尺牘 | Popular exemplary letters |
 | 黑龍江省立女子教養院文告章程一束 | |
 | 黑龍江省立女子教養院文告章程一束 | |
 | 黑龍江省立女子教養院文告章程一束 | |
 | 黑龍江省立女子教養院文告章程一束 | |
 | 餘興 | Entertainment [title page] |
 | 商務印書館發行 | Published by Commercial Press |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 多羅豔屑 | |
 | 西笑叢譯 | Translations of jokes from the West |
 | 西笑叢譯 | Translations of jokes from the West |
 | 西笑叢譯 | Translations of jokes from the West |
 | 西笑叢譯 | Translations of jokes from the West |
 | 九連環/ 幻術之一種 | Magic tricks with nine rings |
 | 九連環幻術之一種 (第一圖 - 第八圖) | Magic tricks with nine rings (figures 1-8) |
 | 九連環/ 幻術之一種 | Magic tricks with nine rings |
 | 九連環幻術之一種 (第一圖 - 第八圖) | Magic tricks with nine rings (figures 1-8) |
 | 九連環/ 幻術之一種 | Magic tricks with nine rings |
 | 九連環幻術之一種 (第一圖 - 第八圖) | Magic tricks with nine rings (figures 1-8) |
 | 編輯餘瀋 | Afterthoughts of the editor |
 | 徵集文字圖片 | Call for articles and pictures |
 | 商務印書館郵票購書章程 | |