泰麗驊女士 | Ms. Tai Lihua | |
百樂門舞廳名媛時裝表演 | The fashion show of the socialites in the Paramount Hall | |
本期要目 | Important contents of this issue | |
爭法與不嫁同盟--我們應該腳踏實地的幹 | Fight for the new legislation and No Marriage Alliance - We should do solid work with our feet on the ground | |
爭法與不嫁同盟--我們應該腳踏實地的幹 | Fight for the new legislation and No Marriage Alliance - We should do solid work with our feet on the ground | |
爭法與不嫁同盟--我們應該腳踏實地的幹 | Fight for the new legislation and No Marriage Alliance - We should do solid work with our feet on the ground | |
北平女學生概觀 | The overview of women students of Beiping | |
[no caption] | [no caption] | |
北平女學生概觀 | The overview of women students of Beiping | |
北平女學生概觀 | The overview of women students of Beiping | |
北平女學生概觀 | The overview of women students of Beiping | |
妳應該知道 | You should know | |
[no caption] | ||
妳應該知道 | You should know | |
愛之點滴 | Things about love | |
[no caption] | ||
愛之點滴 | Things about love | |
至理名言 | Maxims | |
花市裏的白薔薇--一個銀行女職員的自白 | White rose in the flower market - The confession of a woman bank clerk | |
[no caption] | ||
花市裏的白薔薇--一個銀行女職員的自白 | White rose in the flower market - The confession of a woman bank clerk | |
花市裏的白薔薇--一個銀行女職員的自白 | White rose in the flower market - The confession of a woman bank clerk | |
花市裏的白薔薇--一個銀行女職員的自白 | White rose in the flower market - The confession of a woman bank clerk | |
花前:汪曼傑女士 | In front of the flowers: Ms. Wang Manjie | |
陳自芳女士 | Ms. Chen Zifang | |
同姓結婚問題 | The issue of marriage between people of the same surname | |
玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox | |
同姓結婚問題 | The issue of marriage between people of the same surname | |
同姓結婚問題 | The issue of marriage between people of the same surname | |
同姓結婚問題 | The issue of marriage between people of the same surname | |
健康的記錄 | Health record | |
兒童 | Children | |
健康的記錄 | Health record | |
兒童應戒除吸烟 | Children should give up smoking | |
兒童應戒除吸烟 | Children should give up smoking | |
成人教育 | Adult education | |
成人教育 | Adult education | |
韋秋霞女士 | Ms. Wei Qiuxia | |
潘文娟與范里香 | Pan Wenjuan and Fan Lixiang | |
天真無邪的笑,是孩子們珍貴的傑作;除了討人厭的白癡,只有孩子是無憂無慮,討人歡喜的了。 | The innocent and pure smile is the precious masterpiece of children; apart from the annoying idiots, only children are free from care and lovable. | |
有糖吃書都不要,還是孩子的根性;有利可圖,正義就不要了,大概是大人們的孩子氣吧? | If there are candies to eat, the books are then given away. It is still the nature of the children. If there are profits to gain, the justice is then given up. It might be the childishness of the adults. | |
是不滿吃人的社會嗎?帶著心愛的小生命阿花,踏著沉重的步子,悲憤地......往何處去? | Is it that (you) are not satisfied with this cannibalistic society? Where are (you) going with your beloved little life Ahua, with the heavy steps, grievously and angrily...? | |
「禁止學生跳舞」正喊得烏烟瘴氣,小小年紀,竟也學會跳舞嗎?「唉,世風不古!」難怪老學究要搖頭嘆氣。 | That ‘‘students are forbidden to dance'' is being shouted in an foul atmosphere. With that young age, (you) have learned how to dance already? ''ah, the moral values are no longer what they were in the good old days!'' No wonder that (those) old scholastics would shake their heads and sigh. | |
百樂門舞廳時裝宴舞大會之明星時裝表演 | The fashion show of the stars of the fashion banquet and ball in the Paramount Hall | |
百樂門舞廳時裝宴舞大會之明星時裝表演 | The fashion show of the stars of the fashion banquet and ball in the Paramount Hall | |
球場上:活潑健美的姑娘們。 | On the sports field: the lively, vigorous and beautiful girls | |
「三兄弟」--她們自己說的--(左至右)游泳,鄭世煌,黃喋。 | ''Three brothers'' - They themselves said so - (from left to right) You Yong , Zheng Shihuang , Huang Die. | |
半山中:北平華光女中的幾位同學旅行長城留影 | On the hillside: A photo of several students of Beiping Huaguang Girls' High School during their travel to the Great Wall | |
藝友:北平梅社社員(左至右)房庭筠,張竹清,陳素真。 | Art friends: Members of Beiping Mei Association (from left to right) Fang Tingyun , Zhang Zhuqing , Chen Suzhen | |
冬令衛生 | Hygiene in winter | |
冬令衛生 | Hygiene in winter | |
冬令衛生 | Hygiene in winter | |
皮貨之三種常識 | Three points of commen knowledge about leather products | |
皮貨之三種常識 | Three points of commen knowledge about leather products | |
喉症預防 | Prevention of throat disease | |
影星美容術 | Movie stars' beauty methods | |
影星美容術 | Movie stars' beauty methods | |
丈夫寵妾虐妻 | Husband favours the concubine and abuses the wife | |
丈夫寵妾虐妻 | Husband favours the concubine and abuses the wife | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
淒厲的哭聲 | Sad and shrill cries | |
給一個女孩子的信 | Letter for a girl | |
給一個女孩子的信 | Letter for a girl | |
給一個女孩子的信 | Letter for a girl | |
一個男明星的戀愛經驗談 | Love experience of a male star | |
一個男明星的戀愛經驗談 | Love experience of a male star | |
一個男明星的戀愛經驗談 | Love experience of a male star | |
一個男明星的戀愛經驗談 | Love experience of a male star | |
銀色談屑 | Small talk about movie stars | |