No. 082 (18 January, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
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銀幕上的野女郎嘉賽玲寶克 wild woman on the screen Jiasailingbaoke
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
一九三三年對姊妹們的希望 wishes for our sisters in 1933
一九三三年對姊妹們的希望 wishes for our sisters in 1933
妓女舞女和男子 prostitute, taxi dancer and men.
男子的多妻主義和家族觀念 Polygyny and the notion for family
義軍中的女英雄 a heroin in the troops
妓女世界的日本 Japan, a world of prostitutes
妓女世界的日本 Japan, a world of prostitutes
教授夫人當汽車夫 assisstant professor's wife works as taxi driver
男子劣根性的表現 men's bad behaviours
處女的證明是甚麼 what is the evidence of being a virgin?
東北義勇軍抗日血戰畫刊 Special Issue of the Pictorial Weekly on the Our Troops Fighting against the Japanese in Northeastern China
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
解決家庭的黑暗環境 to improve the darkness in the family relationship
解決家庭的黑暗環境 to improve the darkness in the family relationship
蔲丹 Cutex
蔻丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
乳部的衛生 breast care
常識 Common Knowledge
乳部的衛生 breast care
兩種小常識 two small general knowledges
魚骨醫治法 a way to take out fishbones from the throat
雞眼的原因 what causes corns
熱水燙傷醫法 how to treat burns caused by boiling water
出嫁之女 a married daughter
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
婚姻問題 questions about marriage
婚姻問題 questions about marriage
脫離關係 Renunciation
沉思中的佛蘭茜斯第 Frances Dee in meditation
韻極遜的未來派新裝 Yunjixun's new outfit of futurist style
女明星 Female Stars
和愛犬 with her dog
愛德蓮愛侖銀幕上之新嫁娘裝束 the bride's gown of Aidelianailun on the screen
卡羅琳柏 Carole Lombard
霍金絲又一倩影 another beautiful picture of Hopkins
曼琳霍金絲 Miriam Hopkins
雪爾維亞雪尼 Sylvia Sidney
泰露拉賓海最近小影 a recent photo of Tallulah Bankhead
去年好萊塢選出之新進明星自左至右(坐者)Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (立者) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley. the last year newly selected Hollywood stars from left to right (sitting) Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (standing) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley.
去年好萊塢選出之新進明星自左至右(坐者)Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (立者) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley. the last year newly selected Hollywood stars from left to right (sitting) Dorothy Wilson, Mary Carlisle, Lona Andre, Eleanor Holm, Dorothy Layton. (standing) Toshia Mori, Boots Mallory, Ruth Hall, Gloria Stuart, Patricia Ellis, Ginger Rogers, Lilian Bond, Evalyn Knapp, Marian Shockley.
天明了。黎莉莉預備向她光明的前途走去 It is dawn. Li Lili is about to walk towards her bright future.
花的香味怎麼樣。梭莉瑪莉莎 How is the fragrance of the flowers, Sari Maritza?
南錫卡洛在家園中小立倩影 Nancy Carroll standing in her garden
充滿了異國情調和女性底誘力的梭莉瑪莉莎的美姿 Sari Maritza's beautiful pose is full of exoticism and feminine attraction
後面銅圖說明:銀幕明星卡羅琳 explanation to the picture printed on art paper of the following page: movie start Kaluolin
兒童與民族意識 children and the national consciousness
一個永遠的孩子 a child forever
兒童與民族意識 children and the national consciousness
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
玲瓏雜誌啟事 An Announcement of the Linglong Magazine
玲瓏彙刊 Linglong Collections
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
強奸兒子的童養媳 man raped his son's child bride
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, The Ladies' Journal
初戀的過程 the process of the first love relationship
定報價目 The subscription price
初戀的過程 the process of the first love relationship
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
初戀的過程 the process of the first love relationship
科學常識 Common Knowledge in Science
好萊塢經濟恐慌 financial crisis in Hollywood
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
編輯者言 Editor's note
天一的四大金剛 the four guardian warriors of Tianyi company
屢經波折的摩登女性 the film "Modern Women" has been censored repeatedly
天一的東北二女子 the film "two women from Northeast China" produced by the Tianyi company
嘉寶和馮史屈漢 Grata Garbo and Erich von Stroheim
畢克馥新片四易主角 Pickford changed the leading actor for her new film four times
國產影片之沒落 the domestic film production is declining
電影記者的地位 the status of film journalist
幕味 Movies
現代電影的題材 themes for modern movies
甜姐兒南錫卡洛的甜蜜蜜姿容 the sweet appearance of Nancy Caroll
這位翩翩欲飛的胡蝶。你猜她對著誰笑? Hu Die, like a flying butterfly, guess whom is she smiling at?