| 李翠貞女士,精鋼琴,此其近影也 | Ms Li Cuizhen, skilled in playing the piano. This is her recent photo. |
 | 圖中是晏摩氏女校的學生 | The picture shows the students of Yanmoshi girls' school. |
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 | 目標:討論婦女問題,增進優美生活並向男子進攻 | Goal: to discuss about women's issues, to improve beautiful life and to attack men |
 | 第四十七期要目 | Important contents of issue 47 |
 | 女子應該怎樣救國 | How do women save the nation? |
 | 女子應該怎樣救國 | How do women save the nation? |
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 | 同性愛逾過異性愛 | Homosexuality goes beyond heterosexuality |
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 | 從踏雪講到男女的愛 | Relating stepping on snow to the love between a man and a woman |
 | 從踏雪講到男女的愛 | Relating stepping on snow to the love between a man and a woman |
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 | 男子也要穿高跟鞋 | Men should also wear high heels |
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 | 針針見血 | Pointed remarks |
 | 代女子抱不平 | Feeling injustice done to women and wishing to help |
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 | 男子的奇怪心理 | Men's strange mind |
 | 揭穿男子戀愛的醜態 | To expose the ugly performance of men's love |
 | 揭穿男子戀愛的醜態 | To expose the ugly performance of men's love |
 | 健身丸,玫玲粉,傷風餅,遺精藥,香煙敵 | Body-strengthening pills, Meilin powder, cakes for treating the cold, medicine for treating nocturnal emission, the enemy of cigarettes |
 | 解答疑難 | Doubts, difficulties and solutions |
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 | 一個中學女子的痛苦 | Pains of a middle school girl |
 | 華商三和公司代辦函購部 | Chinese business, Sanhe company, mail order agent |
 | 法國婦女新獲的權利 | Rights newly gained by French women |
 | 關於婦女們的話 | Words about women |
 | 沃度兒 | Odol |
 | 沃度兒 | Odol |
 | 介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 | Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life |
 | 姙娠第九十月徵象 | Signs of the ninth month and the tenth month of pregnancy |
 | 徵婚的秘密 | Secrets of marriage-seeking |
 | 徵婚的秘密 | Secrets of marriage-seeking |
 | 相人性情方法 | Method for telling one's character (by looking at one's face) |
 | 相人性情方法 | Method for telling one's character (by looking at one's face) |
 | 卵壳利用法 | How to utilize eggshells |
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 | 案件評述 | Comment on Law Cases |
 | 強迫脫褲檢驗貞操 | To be forced to take off her pants to have her virginity tested |
 | 大學教官的人格 | The moral quality of a drillmaster |
 | 大學教官的人格 | The moral quality of a drillmaster |
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 | 嬌容可掬的葛露茜女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Ge Luqian, full of charm and tenderness |
 | 徐女士愛好音樂文藝 | Ms Xu is fond of music, literature and art |
 | 周女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Zhou |
 | 王潔女士 | Ms Wang Jie |
 | 智仁勇的汪祿曾女士 | The intelligent, kindhearted and brave Ms Wang Luzeng |
 | 美的燙髮樣式與新的帽子裝飾 | Beautiful hair perm styles and new hat decorations |
 | 新春的皮大衣 | A fur coat for new spring |
 | 新春的皮大衣 | A fur coat for new spring |
 | 我國閨秀後方服務之情形 | Scenes showing the logistical supports provided the young ladies of our country |
 | 我國閨秀後方服務之情形 | Scenes showing the logistical supports provided the young ladies of our country |
 | (快樂的前進曲) 美國百老匯大戲院舞蹈表演的姿勢 | (Happy march) A dancing performance in the Broadway theatre in America |
 | 體美的舞姿 | Dancing postures of beautiful bodies |
 | (春) 雕刻美術 | |
 | 上圖美麗的甜姐南錫卡蘿和她丈夫比雷氏 | The picture above shows the beautiful sweet lady Nancy Carroll and her husband Bileishi |
 | 左圖是小范朋克和他的愛妻菊安克羅復 | The left picture shows Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and his beloved wife Joan Crawford |
 | 她是電影明星菊安哈蘿 (Foon Hallon) | She is the movie star Foon Hallon |
 | 新明星被徵者,至少須活潑嬌嫻,如上圖之明星,可作其例之一也。 | Those new stars who have been recruited are at least lively and charming, like the star in the picture above, which could be used as an example. |
 | 最近與龍啟昌結婚之歌舞明星紫羅蘭女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Ziluolan, the singing and dancing star who has just got married with Long Qichang |
 | 兒童穿衣問題 | The problem of dressing your child |
 | 中國唯一之婦女週刊一週紀念之犧牲 | The sacrifice made by the only women's weekly in China for its anniversary |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 兒童的好奇心與破壞性 | The curiosity and the destructiveness of children |
 | 閨秀影集 | Album of elegant ladies |
 | 預補本刊者注意 | Notice for those who want to subscribe our magazine after the deadline |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 | The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine |
 | 少女的初戀 (七) | The first love of a young girl (part seven) |
 | 少女的初戀 (七) | The first love of a young girl (part seven) |
 | 玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine |
 | 定報價目 | The subscription price |
 | 少女的初戀 (七) | The first love of a young girl (part seven) |
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 | 本文作者金滿成近影 | Recent photo of Jin Mancheng, the author of this article |
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 | 父親的尊嚴 | Father's dignity |
 | 好萊塢大裁薪 | Widespread pay cuts in Hollywood |
 | 希佛萊的成功史 | Chevalier's successful history |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 曼琳黛屈里絲的新片 | The new movie of Marlene Dietrich |
 | 美國青年之印刷信 | A printed letter for American young people |
 | 拼圖遊戲 | Jigsaw's game |
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 | 王開照相館 | Wang Kai photo studio |
 | 中國攝影供應社之服務 | Service provided by Chinese Photography Equipment Company |
 | 美國青年之印刷信 | A printed letter for American young people |
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 | 法國的塵世樂園 | The worldly paradise in France |
 | 法國的塵世樂園 | The worldly paradise in France |
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 | 德法戰爭中之艷聞 | Amorous news during the war between Germany and France |
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 | 格萊泰嘉寶的真性格 | The true color of Gelaitaijiabao |
 | 中國電影珍聞 | News tidbits of Chinese movies |
 | 電影 | Movies |
 | 電影 | Movies |
 | 這位女星所以得以成名,據說是全靠她那一雙秋水的明眸云。 | It is said that the reason why this female star becomes famous all lies in her limpid eyes |
 | 可羨慕的影戲界一對情人彭里昂和他的愛妻琵琵丹妮兒近影 | Recent photo of the enviable couple Ben Lyon and his beloved wife Bebe Daniels in the film world |