| 畢業于中西塾之周映霞女士 | Ms Zhou Yingxia who graduated from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) private school |
 | 郊外寫照 | Portrait in the countryside |
 | 婦女 | Women |
 | 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
 | 警告買仇貨的女同胞 | A warning for the female compatriots who buy the enemy's products |
 | 婦女必須的乳罩 | Bras are essential for women |
 | 婦女必須的乳罩 | Bras are essential for women |
 | 蓄婢的罪惡 | The crime of keeping slave maids |
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 | 蓄婢的罪惡 | The crime of keeping slave maids |
 | 哭和笑 | Cry and laugh |
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 | 理想中的男子-給將要結婚的姊妹們- | Ideal men - to those sisters who are going to get married |
 | 理想中的男子-給將要結婚的姊妹們- | Ideal men - to those sisters who are going to get married |
 | 學校消息 別矣吾后 | School news, goodbye my queen |
 | 如何解決 | How to solve this |
 | 究竟怎樣是好? | What on earth should I do? |
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 | 丈夫愛交異性 | My husband likes making friends with the opposite sex |
 | 無線電與電影 電聲日報 | Radio and film Diansheng Daily |
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 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
 | 幾種消毒方法 | Several ways of sterilization |
 | 化學常識 | Common knowledge about chemistry |
 | 夏令防疫 | Epidemic prevention in summer |
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 | 孕婦的衛生 (上) | The hygiene of pregnant women (part one) |
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 | 遺囑效力 | Validity of will |
 | 夫有惡疾 | Her husband has nasty disease |
 | 遺囑效力 | Validity of will |
 | 脅迫結婚 | Being threatened to get married |
 | 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal |
 | 中西女塾梁麗齡女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Liang Liling from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) private girls' school |
 | 晨妝 | Morning dress |
 | 工部局女子中學蔡萃華黃仁華女士合影 | Group photo of Cai Cuihua and Huang Renhua from the girls' middle school of the Bureau of Public Sector |
 | 倦 | Tired |
 | 午睡 | Afternoon nap |
 | 名律師高維廉之公子玉照 | Precious photo of the son of the famous lawyer Gao Weilian |
 | 慈勤女中(右)黃慧珍 (左)陳淑瓊之體操服裝 陳女士之大作見本期本刊 | The gym suits of (right) Huang Huizhen (left) Chen Shuqiong from Ciqin girls' school. The article of Ms Chen could be seen in this issue of our magazine |
 | 他瞄正着向男子的心窩裏射 | She aims at the heart of men |
 | 法國沙龍傑作 (法國的描摹) | Masterpiece from France (French copy) |
 | 法國沙龍傑作 (法國的描摹) | Masterpiece from France (French copy) |
 | 摩登建築之三 | Modern building, part three |
 | 摩登建築之四 | Modern building, part four |
 | 最新摩登住屋建築之一 | The latest modern house, part one |
 | 摩登建築之二 | Modern building, part two |
 | 天一明星李麗麗最近之玉照 | Recent precious photo of Li Lili, the female star from Tianyi |
 | 環球電影明星練習舞台舞之情形 | The scene of movie stars from the Universal Pictures practising dance on the stage |
 | 德國明星表情之一幕 | One scene of the facial expressions of German stars |
 | 米高海明星約翰寶爾 John Boles 的肖像 | The portrait of John Boles, the star from Migaohai |
 | 甯拿霍金和威廉珂蓮之舞姿 | The dancing pose of Ningnahuojin and Weiliankelian |
 | 廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement |
 | 定報價目 | The subscription price |
 | 寵妾虐妻的男子 謹守三從四德不願多事 只因衣食無着迫而出此 | A man who favors his concubine but abuses his wife. She follows strictly the three obediences and the four virtues, but she is forced to filing an appeal because she has no money to pay for daily expenses |
 | 寵妾虐妻的男子 謹守三從四德不願多事 只因衣食無着迫而出此 | A man who favors his concubine but abuses his wife. She follows strictly the three obediences and the four virtues, but she is forced to filing an appeal because she has no money to pay for daily expenses |
 | 案件評述 | Comment on Law Cases |
 | 兒童與性的知識 | Children and the knowledge about sex |
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 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 七項信條 | Seven precepts |
 | 名歌選登 | Selection of famous songs |
 | 一個竊賊的失望 | The disappointment of a thief |
 | 西班牙的結婚手續 | The marriage procedures in Spain |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
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 | 玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 | Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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 | 愛情中的政治手腕 (二) | Political strategies in love relationship (part two) |
 | 可憐的她 | Poor she |
 | 可憐的她 | Poor she |
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 | 電嘴及耳電 | electrical mouth and ear |
 | 科學常識 電嘴及耳電 | Common knowledge in science, electrical mouth and ear |
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 | 收音機AB電接錯檢查法 | How to check if the installation of the "A" battery and the "B" battery of a radio is wrong |
 | 明星改行學醫 | The star is going to change his profession to study medicine |
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 | 羅克的房子出賣 富豪明星居不安宅 | Luoke's house on sale, rich stars live in houses which make them anxious |
 | 祕密的旅行 | Secret travel |
 | 娛樂 | Entertainment |
 | 曼琳黛屈絲的車夫 從前是歐洲貴族的車夫 現在是影壇女王的近待 | The chauffeur of Marlene Dietrich, who was the chauffeur of European aristocrats before and the personal servant of the queen of the movie world now |
 | 揚眉吐氣的黑人 | The black people who hold their heads high |
 | 中國女明星胡茄之玉照 | Precious photo of Hu Qie, the female star in China |
 | 封面: 環球女星錫尼福司 Sidney Fox 玉影 | The cover page: a precious photo of Sidney Fox, a female star from the Universal Pictures |