No. 054 (15 June, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
袁霄興女士善交際善舞蹈 Ms Yuan Xiaoxing is good at social communication and dancing
曾文姬女士前肄業於中西女塾 Ms Zeng Wenji graduated from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) girls' school
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
女學生底出路 The way out of female students
女學生底出路 The way out of female students
女學生底出路 The way out of female students
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機會難再幸勿錯過 Don't miss the chance which will not come again
機會難再幸勿錯過 Don't miss the chance which will not come again
甜言蜜語 Sweet words
機會難再幸勿錯過 Don't miss the chance which will not come again
上海小姐與戲目廣告 Ladies in Shanghai and advertisement of theatrical programmes
上海小姐與戲目廣告 Ladies in Shanghai and advertisement of theatrical programmes
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檢考女子的法律地位 To examine the legal status of women
愛情糕製法 The recipe of love cake
如何解決 How to solve this?
我應該愛已婚的男子嗎? Should I fall in love with a married man?
我應該愛已婚的男子嗎? Should I fall in love with a married man?
男子是否可靠 Are men reliable?
男子是否可靠 Are men reliable?
少女的信箱 The mail box for young girls
少女的信箱 The mail box for young girls
沃度兒 Odol
沃度兒 Odol
常識 Common knowledge
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美容術 Beauty methods
美容術 Beauty methods
蝦子的利用 To utilize shrimps
蝦子的利用 To utilize shrimps
使兩手白嫩法 How to make your hands fair-complexioned
肥臉變瘦法 How to slim your fat face down
驚人發明之國貨國民政府實業部特許專利之玲瓏膠泥 Linglong glue, amazing invention, domestic product, specially permitted by the department of industry and commerce of the National Government
續定本刊之利益 Benefits of renewing one's subscription of our magazine
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
遺棄 Abandonment
婚姻 Marriage
陳月秀女士玉照 Precious photo of Ms Chen Yuexiu
清心女校各級之田徑賽選手 Track and field players from different grades of Qingxin girls' school
海星排球隊遊罷歸去之攝影 Photo taken when the Starfish volleyball team was on the way back after playing
務本女生遊園後之留影 Souvenir photo taken after Wuben female students visited a park
清心女校機巧運動之一斑 A glance at the sport of dexterity at Qingxin girls' school
街頭上所見,母女之愛 The love between mother and daughter to be seen on the street
陳泰恆君之女公子香瑛女士肄業於啟秀女校,旁為其令妹嬌容欲滴 Ms Xiangying, the daughter of Chen Taiheng, studying at Qixiu girls' school. Her younger sister next to her is delicately pretty.
廢領旗袍 Qipao without collar
廢領旗袍 Qipao without collar
上海婦女新流行的髮型 The hairstyle newly in fashion among women in Shanghai
好萊塢明星之新髮型 New hairstyles of Hollywood stars
上海婦女新流行的髮型 The hairstyle newly in fashion among women in Shanghai
好萊塢明星之新髮型 New hairstyles of Hollywood stars
舞姿翩躚 Dancing lightly
全世界婦女傾倒的銀幕美男子雷門諾伐羅 Leimennuofaluo, the handsome man on the screen who is admired by women around the world
銀幕上的新裝 [四圖] New dresses on the screen
銀幕上的新裝 [四圖] New dresses on the screen
曼麗恩尼克生和華納拔克斯同遊郊野的合影 Group photo of Marian Nixon and Warner Baxter going for an outing together in the open countryside
對於結婚感到趣味的電影明星劉愛司和羅拉的合影 Group photo of movie stars Liu'aisi and Laura who are interested in marriage
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
包車夫強姦幼女 A young girl was raped by a rickshaw worker
包車夫強姦幼女 A young girl was raped by a rickshaw worker
患色情狂病者 The one who suffers from erotomania
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
嬰孩之衛生 The hygiene of baby
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
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中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
妾的悲哀 The sadness of concubine
定報價目 The subscription price
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妾的悲哀 The sadness of concubine
麻雀是不是高尚的娛樂 Is mahjong a noble entertainment
笑話二則 Two jokes
老少諧婚之怪劇 The odd drama of the marriage between an old man and a young girl
歐美伉儷之解剖 To anatomize couples in Europe and America
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人道主義者的假面具 The false front of humanist
無線電傳遞愛情的消息 To transmit love messages via radio waves
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
使用交流電收音機之經驗及保護法 The experience of using an alternating current radio and its preservation
使用交流電收音機之經驗及保護法 The experience of using an alternating current radio and its preservation
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前倨後恭 The change of attitude from arrogance to respect
影界升沉錄 To record the vicissitude of the movie world
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娛樂 Entertainment
巴賴的新愛人 The new lover of Balai
"長腳"影片公司 The "long leg" film company
好萊塢明星之加糾葛 The disputes for salary increase of Hollywood stars
裘利愛康潑頓浴罷之留影 Photo taken after Qiuli'aikanpodun took a shower
麗蓮黛美泰最近玉影 Recent precious photo of Lili Damita