No. 051 (25 May, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
封面說明: 南京匯文女學謝文息女士 Cover page explanation: Ms Xie Wenxi from Nanjing Huiwen girls' school
初夏與情人划舟,蕩乎中流,乃人生快事。 Rowing a boat with the beloved one at the beginning of summer and drifting in the middle of stream is a pleasure in life
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
出嫁後的懶惰 Laziness after getting married
出嫁後的懶惰 Laziness after getting married
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女校生活的回憶 Recall the life in my girls' school
女校生活的回憶 Recall the life in my girls' school
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怎樣做人的婆母和丈母娘 How to be a mother-in-law
怎樣做人的婆母和丈母娘 How to be a mother-in-law
逼他往外尋歡 Forcing him to seek for pleasure outside (marriage)
拆穿男子的虛偽 To unmask the hypocrisy of men
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青春期的意義與男女的差別 The meaning of puberty and the difference between the male and the female
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這是我們婦女應當知道的 (續) These are what our women should know about (continued)
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丈夫納妾余所受之痛苦 (續) My pain after my husband took a concubine (continued)
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
如何解決 How to solve this?
沒有男友的同學,忌妒我!破壞我! Classmates who do not have a boyfriend are jealous of me and jeopardize me
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怎樣使不愛我的人愛我 How to make the one who doesn't love me to love me
沃度兒 Odol
沃度兒 Odol
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零頭衣料的利用法 What to do with fabric remnants
關於牙齒的常識 Common knowledge about teeth
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胡椒可治傷風 Pepper can be used as treatment for cold
結婚儀式 Wedding ceremony
結婚儀式 Wedding ceremony
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舊油畫顏色變新法 How to refresh the color of an old oil painting
曬藏皮貨法 How to tan and preserve fur
寡婦再醮 Widow's remarriage
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
有其母乃有其女 Like mother, like daughter
讀者呼聲 Readers' voice
慕爾堂是妓校嗎? Is Muertang a school for prostitutes?
看見她"表兄"的臉,笑得嘴也合不攏的陳美珥女士,在她家園前的玉影 Precious photo of Ms Chen Mei'er in front of the garden of her home, who grins upon seeing the face of her "elder male cousin"
張美貞女士的留影 Souvenir photo of Ms Zhang Meizhen
這是少女達到快樂最高峯的時候 (左) 周映霞 (中) 黃補中 (右) 曾文姬,江兆平 This is the moment when the happiness of a young girl reaches its summit. (left) Zhou Yingxia (middle) Huang Buzhong (right) Zeng Wenji, Jiang Zhaoping
旗袍外之背心 Waistcoat over qipao
旗袍外之背心 Waistcoat over qipao
海灘上的美人與其芳影 A beauty on the beach and her sweet image
東方人體美 The beauty of body in the East
梅花歌舞團表演節目之一幕,龔秋霞錢鍾秀均在內。 One scene of the show of "Plum Blossom" song and dance ensemble. Both Gong Qiuxia and Qian Zhongxiu are included.
梅花歌舞團表演節目之一幕,龔秋霞錢鍾秀均在內。 One scene of the show of "Plum Blossom" song and dance ensemble. Both Gong Qiuxia and Qian Zhongxiu are included.
好姊姊好弟弟的合影 Group photo of good elder sister and good younger brother
她含笑吃著那金山蘋果 She is eating that Jinshan apple with smile
女戰士們: 上海的停戰協定已簽字了,但是你們的鎗口且慢慢的放鬆,帝國主義者的暴力,隨時會來的啊。 Female soldiers: Shanghai armistice agreement has been signed, but don't hurry to put down your gun. The violence of imperialists might come back at any time.
電影明星薩雷愛理爾司 Sally EIlers 的近影 Recent photo of the movie star Sally Ellers
肉腿 sexy legs
猿人泰山 Tarzan the ape man
興高采烈,爭奪狗明星之頭銜也。 Elated, competing for the title of dog star
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家庭和學校的聯絡 (續) The communication between family and school (continued)
嬰兒與睡眠 Baby and sleep
兒童 Children
兒童不高興的原因 The reason why a child is not happy
兒童為將來中國之主人翁,本欄專門指導養子育兒之智識,並歡迎投稿 Children are the masters of China in the future. This column is specially set for sharing wisdom of raising and educating children. Contribution is welcome.
王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
無線電訣門 Tips for radio
無線電訣門 Tips for radio
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續定本刊之利益 Benefits of renewing one's subscription of our magazine
修身箴言 Mottos for cultivating one's moral character
最後的微笑 (續) The last smile (continued)
最後的微笑 (續) The last smile (continued)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
吻之舞 The Kiss Waltz
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
前線歸來 (續) Return from the frontline (continued)
前線歸來 (續) Return from the frontline (continued)
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
前線歸來 (續) Return from the frontline (continued)
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編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏書盒 Linglong book box
不能秘的祕密 A secret which could not be kept
明星心理的矛盾 The paradoxical mind of movie stars
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
健忘的瑙麥希拉 The forgetful Norma Shearer
健忘的瑙麥希拉 The forgetful Norma Shearer
娛樂 Entertainment
"Lin Loon Nagazine" 玲瓏圖畫雜誌,華商三和公司發行,Vo. ii No. 51. Linglong pictorial magazine, issued by the Chinese business, Sanhe company
(上) 大飯店中約翰擺里穆與嘉寶之表演 (above) the performance of John Barrymore and Greta Garbo in the Grand Hotel
(右) 大飯店中約翰與瓊克勞馥之表演 (right) the performance of John Barrymore and Joan Crawford in the Grand Hotel
南賽卡洛近影 Recent photo of Nancy Carroll