No. 031 (14 October, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
中西女塾林德昭女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Lin Dezhao from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) Private Girls' School
周炼霞女士撫琴之攝影 Photograph of Ms Zhou Lianxia playing lute
我們的救國責任:宣傳上的責任、研究的責任、經濟上的責任、職業上的責任 Our responsibilities to save the country: responsibility in propaganda, responsibility in research, responsibility in economy, responsibility in work
我們的救國責任:宣傳上的責任、研究的責任、經濟上的責任、職業上的責任 Our responsibilities to save the country: responsibility in propaganda, responsibility in research, responsibility in economy, responsibility in work
我們的救國責任:宣傳上的責任、研究的責任、經濟上的責任、職業上的責任 Our responsibilities to save the country: responsibility in propaganda, responsibility in research, responsibility in economy, responsibility in work
汪香瀛女女之嬌容 Tender look of Ms Wang Xiangying
失戀 Disappointed in love
周慧如女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Zhou Huiru
失戀 Disappointed in love
新三從 The new "three obediences"
卜振華女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Bu Zhenhua
新三從 The new "three obediences"
男子的醜態(一) Men's foolish manners (1)
復旦大學張淑婉女士玉照 Precious photograph of Ms Zhang Shuwan from Fudan University
為什麼丈夫要避見妻子(續) - 毫無虛僞的透切言論 Why do a husband avoid seeing his wife? (continued) - a striking remark with no hypocrisy at all
“……莫待無花空折技” "...don't let it happen that one can only pick twigs because there is no flowers any more
為什麼丈夫要避見妻子(續) - 毫無虛僞的透切言論 Why do a husband avoid seeing his wife? (continued) - a striking remark with no hypocrisy at all
葉蓉然(左)葉福其(右)姊妹合影 Group photograph of the sisters Ye Rongran (left) and Ye Fuqi (right)
愛國女生關柳珠梁玉珍近影 A recent photograph of patriotic female students Guan Liuzhu and Liang Yuzhen
已有妻室的他 He who already has a wife at home
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閨秀影集 Album of Elegant Ladies
已有妻室的他 He who already has a wife at home
國事與新裝 National affairs and new dresses
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再嫁與續弦 To remarry
女子最宜當心的時期 The section in which women should pay the most attention
工人的頭燈 Workers' headlight
最新發明之頭燈專供工人在暗處之使用 [照片二幅] The headlight of the newest invention, used exclusively for workers in the dark [two photos]
木狗椅 Wooden bench with dog-shaped armrests
花園中別出心裁的木狗椅 A creative wooden bench with dog-shaped armrests in a garden
木狗椅 Wooden bench with dog-shaped armrests
摩登的磁器式樣簡單瑩潔可愛 Modern porcelain in simple style, sparkling, pure and adorable
椅背三角架 A tripod made by joining the back of two chairs
面上肉疔簡易療法 Simple and easy treatment for facial warts
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選擇乳媽的標準 Criteria for choosing a wet nurse
摩登兒童居室之佈置 The arrangment of a modern children's living room
不自由的結婚 No freedom in choosing one's spouse (unfree marriage)
不自由的結婚 No freedom in choosing one's spouse (unfree marriage)
小姐們的馬褂 Mandarin jacket for young ladies
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健身丸,玫玲粉,傷風餅,遺精藥,香煙敵 Body-strengthening pills, Meilin powder, cakes for treating the cold, medicine for treating spermatorrhea, the enemy of cigarettes
王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
投稿簡章 General regulations on contribution
兒童與遊戲(續) Children and games (continued)
工部局北區小學校學生打螺旋之攝影 Photograph of pupils from the primary school of the north section of the Ministry of Workers whipping tops
兒童與遊戲(續) Children and games (continued)
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夜之園中 In a garden at night
路魯凡雷及其簽字 Lulu Fanlei and her signature
學彈 Learning to play (an instrument)
倦矣 Tired
解約離婚後的她(未完) She after having been divorced (to be continued)
英哥。你要愛情美滿。家庭幸福。謀事順利。那末必須常閲 [玲瓏雜誌] Yingge, if you want to be perfectly satisfied with love, to be happily married, and to find a job successfully, you should read "Linglong Magazine" regularly
解約離婚後的她(未完) She after having been divorced (to be continued)
明星之言 Celebrities' remarks
電影珍聞 New Titbits on movies
明星之言 Celebrities' remarks
電影明星之舞姿 Dancing posture of a movie star
冰箱作婚禮 Fridge as wedding gift
休息室內之電影女星 Female movie stars in a relaxation room
好萊塢新聞 Hollywood news
海脫賴倫梯司近影 A recent photograph of Haituolailundisi
好萊塢新聞 Hollywood news
王人美女士 Ms Wang Renmei
好萊塢新聞 Hollywood news
編輯者言 Editor's note
陶樂賽喬頓戲皂泡之攝影 Photo of Dorothy Jordan playing with bubbles
拍拉蒙脫電影明星弗蘭克錫司第近影 A recent photo of the movie star Fulanke Yisidi in Bailamengtuo