No. 029 (30 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
笑容可掬之陳畹清女士 Smiling Ms Chen Wanqing
關雪珍女士近影 A recent photo of Ms Guan Xuezhen
怎樣駕馭男子 How to control men
怎樣駕馭男子 How to control men
盧育甯女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Lu Yuning
怎樣駕馭男子 How to control men
胡靜嬡女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Hu Jing'ai
怎樣駕馭男子 How to control men
晚步 Evening stroll
中西女塾瞿樵珮女士擅繪畫 Ms Qu Qiaopei from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) Private Girls' School is good at painting
男性的虛榮心 Men's vanity
崇德女校招聯英女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Zhao Lianying from Chongde Girls' School
男性的虛榮心 Men's vanity
她與他 She and he
新秋裝束 New autumn attire
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交異性朋友 To make friend with the opposite sex
吳蘊芬女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Wu Yunfen
王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
交異性朋友 To make friend with the opposite sex
秋季婦女新裝 Women's new autumn fashion
女子是不值得介紹的麼? Are women not worthy to be introduced?
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閨秀影集 Album of Elegant Ladies
需要一個母範學校 We need a school for training mothers
南京中學姚杏珠女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Yao Xingzhu from Nanjing Middle School
需要一個母範學校 We need a school for training mothers
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
試閱攝影畫報/ 玲瓏雜誌 Samples for Pictorial Weekly and Linglong Magazine
草酸之效用 The utility of oxalic acid
毒物咬傷救治法 How to treat poisonous bites
毒物咬傷救治法 How to treat poisonous bites
討厭的千日瘡 The annoying common wart
美的手指 Beautiful fingers
討厭的千日瘡 The annoying common wart
最新發明之女子鞋跟 Heel of women's shoes of the latest invention
討厭的千日瘡 The annoying common wart
簡便的健身術(未完) Simple and convenient bodybuiding techniques (to be continued)
最新發明吸板煙時所用之架.可不必用手支持由此可見西人欲求舒適無微不至 A support of the newest invention used while smoking cavendish tabacco. One doesn't have to support the pipe with hand. Thus it can be seen that Westerners pursue comfort in every possible way.
肢體健美 To make your limps healthy and beautiful
她煩悶恍惚 他則虛弱疲憊 She is unhappy and absent-minded, while he is weak and tired
在校園中之愛國女生 Patriotic female students on the campus
裸浴運動 — 空心輪轉遊戲.德國Egestorf地方裸體生活協會體育場内。裸體生活諸同志作輪轉遊戲之情形。一人嫌寂寞,...... 爲情。同性還可隨便,如果男女合在一起,那麽 ......久而久之,漸成習慣,二人,三人,四人,混在一起,既不怕羞,反覺司空見慣。 The movement of naked bathing - a game of turning the hollow wheel. In the stadium of the local association of naked life in Egestorf, Germany
裸浴運動 — 空心輪轉遊戲.德國Egestorf地方裸體生活協會體育場内。裸體生活諸同志作輪轉遊戲之情形。一人嫌寂寞,...... 爲情。同性還可隨便,如果男女合在一起,那麽 ......久而久之,漸成習慣,二人,三人,四人,混在一起,既不怕羞,反覺司空見慣。 The movement of naked bathing - a game of turning the hollow wheel. In the stadium of the local association of naked life in Egestorf, Germany
白膚凝脂 White skin as smooth as clotted grease
夫婦之道 The way of married couples
自由戀愛之秩序 The order of the freedom of choice in marriage
健身丸,玫玲粉,傷風餅,遺精藥,香煙敵 Body-strengthening pills, Meilin powder, cakes for treating the cold, medicine for treating spermatorrhea, the enemy of cigarettes
自由戀愛之秩序 The order of the freedom of choice in marriage
閒步 Strolling
燙髮新樣(十二):小兒式. Baby Flemish Women's new hair perm styles (12): the style of baby flemish (translation provided by Linglong)
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Ladies' Magazine
投稿簡章 General regulations on contribution
兒童的特徵(未完) The characteristics of children (to be continued)
工部局北區小學學生活潑之情形 The scene of the lively pupils from the primary school of the north section of the Ministry of Works
兒童的特徵(未完) The characteristics of children (to be continued)
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步行歷險記(續) The trekking adventure (continued)
本年十月十日爲三和公司十週紀念日 The memorial day for celebrating that Sanhe company has run business for 10 weeks is on October 10th this year
步行歷險記(續) The trekking adventure (continued)
大家庭的一幕 A scene from a big family
中外電影明星照片 Photos of Chinese and foreign movie stars
大家庭的一幕 A scene from a big family
電影女星奇異之裝束 The bizarre costume of a female movie star
嘉寶將離開電影嗎? Will Garbo leave the movies?
美之舞 The dance of beauty
嘉寶將離開電影嗎? Will Garbo leave the movies?
南錫卡洛的情史 Nancy Carroll's love history
設備冷氣之電影仍使觀客熱不可當之諷刺畫 In this caricature, this cinema is airconditioned yet the audience still can not bear the heat
南錫卡洛的情史 Nancy Carroll's love history
止槳少憩 Stop rowing and take a little rest
好萊塢的消息 News from Hollywood
窮吻 Little kiss
竹戰的生活 The life of playing Mahjong
編輯者言 Editor's note
電影明星麥唐納之笑容 The smile of the movie star MacDonald
拍拉蒙脫電影明星弗蘭克錫司第近影 A recent photo of Fulankexisidi, the movie star of the Paramount Pictures