No. 025 (02 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
朱福珍女士秀麗大方現就職於首都外交部 Ms Zhu Fuzhen, pretty and decent, is now working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the capital
吳淞江濱留影 Souvenir photo taken on the bank of the Wusong River
“女招待”“活招牌” "Waitress": "a living signboard"?
“女招待”“活招牌” "Waitress": "a living signboard"?
蔡萃華女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Cai Cuihua
現代婦女何以比從前婦女好看?(續) Why do modern women look better than women in the past? (continued)
“女招待”“活招牌” "Waitress": "a living signboard"?
景海女校沈麗潔女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Shen Lijie from Jinghai Girls' School
家庭寶鑒(續) Precious lessons for families (continued)
現代婦女何以比從前婦女好看?(續) Why do modern women look better than women in the past? (continued)
中西女塾葉昌楨女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Ye Changzhen from Zhongxi School
家庭寶鑒(續) Precious lessons for families (continued)
現代婦女何以比從前婦女好看?(續) Why do modern women look better than women in the past? (continued)
羅秀雲女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Luo Xiuyun
燙髮新樣(八):波浪式 Women's new hair perm styles (8): Girlie Mannish (English translation from Linglong or direct translation: the style of waves)
本刊招請各埠職員。各百位。不必經驗。概於餘暇工作。每月薪金最低三十元至三百元函索章程卽贈。 Our magazine are recruiting from every (big) city. Each city 100 people. No experience required. Work at one's leisure. The monthly salary is from 30 yuan up to 300 yuan. The Regulations Will be Sent upon Request per Mail
秋初新裝(一) Early autumn new fashion (1)
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現代叢話 Colleted remarks in nowadays
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吳秀清女士精文學又擅音樂其大作見於前頁 Ms Wu Xiuqing is both accomplished in literature and good at music. See the previous page for her article.
亞細亞步行團胡素絹女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Hu Sujuan from the Asian trekking group
玫玲粉 — 婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
可憐的鄉下姑娘 Poor country girl
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雙關的意義 A word with double meaning
可憐的鄉下姑娘 Poor country girl
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辭留學 A farewell to those who go to study abroad
可憐的鄉下姑娘 Poor country girl
楊書珍女士玉影 Precious photograph of Ms Yang Shuzhen
婚姻關於民法限制 Marriage concerning the restrictions of civil law
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口琴之改良 The improvement of harmonica
婚姻關於民法限制 Marriage concerning the restrictions of civil law
歐美女子性喜運動.公餘之暇.時邀友赴海濱遊戲或游泳 Women from Europe and America like sports by nature. At leisure time after work, they often invite friends to the beach to play games or swim
婚姻關於民法限制 Marriage concerning the restrictions of civil law
華商三和公司代辦函購部 Chinese business, Sanhe company, mail order agent
英哥。你要愛情美滿。家庭幸福。謀事順利。那末必須常閲 [玲瓏雜誌] Yingge, if you want to be perfectly satisfied with love, to be happily married, and to find a job successfully, you should read "Linglong Magazine" regularly
婦人病的治法 The treatment of women's ailments
女子的乳房 Women's breasts
女子的乳房 Women's breasts
小道士盜色 A little Taoist priest who commited sexual assault
三和牌國貨標準乒乓球 Sanhe domestics, standard table tennis balls
路有狼勿彷徨 There are wolves on the street. Don't wander around.
玲瓏信箋 Exquisite writing paper
小經驗 A small advice (based on experience)
罪有應得 Guilty of punishment
投稿簡章 General regulations on contribution
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Linloon Magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
開獎通告 The announcement of drawing the lottery
奶媽對於兒童的影響 The influence of wet nurse on a child
奶媽對於兒童的影響 The influence of wet nurse on a child
標準露光儀 — 高維祥,林澤蒼 — 發明 Standard exposure meter, invented by Gao Weixiang, Lin Zecang
失戀的女子 A lovelorn woman
浴前試水 Checking the (temperature of) water before taking a bath
清心女校學生疊羅漢之攝影 The photo of students from Qingxin Girls' School building a human pyramid
體育:忙中抽暇的操簡法 Sports: easy gymnastics while snatching a little leisure time from a busy life
買賣交換租借寄售新舊唱片 Buying, selling, exchanging, renting, consigning new and/or old photos
體育:忙中抽暇的操簡法 Sports: easy gymnastics while snatching a little leisure time from a busy life
快快預定本刊 Subscribe our magazine quickly
試閱攝影畫報/ 玲瓏雜誌 Samples for Pictorial Weekly and Linglong Magazine
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
體育:忙中抽暇的操簡法 Sports: easy gymnastics while snatching a little leisure time from a busy life
關於電影之問答 Q&A about movies
誰識其真假 — 新進之電影女星面容酷似嘉寶 Who can distinguish truth from the false - the face of the newcoming female movie star strongly resembles that of Garbo
好萊塢報告:過度運動、健美之敵 Hollywood report: doing sports excessively is the enemy of health and beauty
童明星宓西格林之表情 The facial expression of the child starlet Mitzi Green
中國之有聲影片 Chinese sound films (talkies)
半露 Half appearance
亞細亞步行團日記之一段(續) A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (continued)
電影女星麗拉李化裝後之攝影 Photograph of female movie star Lila Lee after makeup is done
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編輯者言 Editor's note
亞細亞步行團日記之一段(續) A part of the diary of the Asian trekking group (continued)
陶樂絲德里奧患病好久.現在復原了.他和丈夫愛情甚摯.這間的書室.是他丈夫特意造給他的 Dorothy Del Rio has been ill for a long time. Now she has recovered. The love bond between her husband and her is very strong. The study you see on the photo is created/designed by her husband for her.
電影明星岱脫裡趣嘉寶進了好萊塢四年後方獻身於銀幕 The movie star Daituoli Qujiabao finally dedicated herself to the movie screen after having stayed in Hollywood for four years