No. 110 (13 September, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
中西女校曾文嫻女士初秋之郊遊 Ms. Zeng Wenxian from the Zhongxi Girls' School picnicking in early autumn
北平名票呂寶棻女士 Ms. Lu Baofen is a famous lady from Beiping
寫情書 Writing a love letter
緊要預告:請注意下期之手帕圖案(專備自製) Urgent announcement: Please pay attention to the patterns for handkerchief to be published in the next issue (Specially prepared and self-made)
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
希特拉鐵腕下德國婦女的可憐命運 The fate of the poor german women under the iron fist of Hitler
希特拉鐵腕下德國婦女的可憐命運 The fate of the poor german women under the iron fist of Hitler
摩登婦女的裝飾 The Dressing of Modern Women
摩登婦女的裝飾 The Dressing of Modern Women
女人氣量是否狹窄 are women small-minded?
女人氣量是否狹窄 are women small-minded?
愛之道 The Way of Love
愛之道 The Way of Love
粵東的婚俗種種 Some marriage customs in Guangdong
粵東的婚俗種種 Some marriage customs in Guangdong
本刊自三十一號起,每期請畫家繪製精美之手帕圖案,請讀家注意。 Please note that some patterns for handkerchieves designed by painters will be published in every issue starting from issue 31.
蘇俄女子與航空熱 Russian Women and the Passion for Aviation
蘇俄女子與航空熱 Russian Women and the Passion for Aviation
美容經驗談 Beauty Tips
美容顧問 Beauty Adviser
大六沖與我的婚事 On the taboo of six years of age difference and concerning my marriage plan
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
大六沖與我的婚事 On the taboo of six years of age difference and concerning my marriage plan
大六沖與我的婚事 On the taboo of six years of age difference and concerning my marriage plan
婦女消息:德女童死於游泳 Women's News: a german girl died of a swimming pool accident
男子求愛的目的 The purpose of men courting women
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
男子求愛的目的 The purpose of men courting women
初秋傍晚之時與一二知己散步于荷池橋旁涼風習習則快爽無比足以消愁此影乃攝于北平公園 It is pleasant to walk with one or two buddhies in the breeze at the lotus pond and the bridge. This picture is shot at the Beiping Park.
奮鬥 Struggle
四川萬縣無語社作品 A Work of the Speechless Club in the Wan Province in Sichuan
月月紅, 女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅, 女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
月月紅,女界寶 China Rose, women's treasure
算星期簡法 A Simple Way of Calculating the Weeks
常識 Common Knowledge
算星期簡法 A Simple Way of Calculating the Weeks
洗衣易潔法 a easy way of doing the laundry
睡眠之常識 common knowledge of sleeping
洗衣易潔法 a easy way of doing the laundry
睡眠之常識 common knowledge of sleeping
驗火酒純淨法 Alcohol Purity Test
磁器耐用 A way to make porcelains more durable
本欄專刊各種精短常識,歡迎讀者投稿。 This column is dedicated to short articles on common knowledge. We are looking forward to your contribution.
本刊百期紀念徵文 call for essays for our 100th anniversary issue
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lip Stick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lip Stick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lip Stick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
法律顧問:師生之愛 Legal Counsel: A teacher and his pupil in love.
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問:師生之愛 Legal Counsel: A teacher and his pupil in love.
法律顧問:虐待髮妻 Legal Counsel: man abusing his wife.
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
中國航空協會舉行五機命名典禮時虹橋飛機場民眾熱狂之大觀 The Naming Ceremony of five airplaines at the Chinese Aviation Association hold at the Hongqiao Airport is well visited by the passionate public.
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:滬工號飛機命名典禮俞筱鈞女士執行擲香檳儀式 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Xiaojun opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of the Shanghai Worker's
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:寧波號擲香檳之虞媞媞女士 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Titi opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of "Ningpo"
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:“童軍號”擲香檳之陳玉如女士 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Chen Yuru opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of "the Scouts"
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:五機揭旗禮由虞洽卿孫女媞媞女士執行[二圖] Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: The inauguration is performed by Mr. Lu Qiaqing's granddaughter Ms. Yutiti [two pictures]
蕩划湖中 馬素貞女士 Ms. Ma Suzhen is rowing a boat at the middle of the lake
智仁勇女校裘翼翼、邱芝雲二女士 Ms. Qiu Yiyi and Ms. Qiu Zhiyun study at the Zhirenyong Girls' School
陳佩君女士玉照 A precious photo of Ms. Chen Peijun
胡煒女士 Ms. Hu Wei
胡英女士 Ms. Hu Ying
米米喬登 Mimiqiaodeng
長久不見於銀幕的珂麗摩亞與司潘賽脫萊賽的合影 A picture of Kelimoya yu Sipansaituolaisai who we haven't seen for a long time on the screen.
沙利文是新進的演員她最喜歡游泳 Sullivan is a new actress. Sports is her favorite leisure activity.
無處不受歡迎之女星:在影界中有健美之雅瓊之號哈羅 Female stars who are popular everywhere: Jean Harlow is known as a healthy and beautiful movie star
無處不受歡迎之女星:金甘羅傑斯的紅髮很受人們的歡迎 Female stars who are popular everywhere: Ginger Rogers' red hair makes her popular
無處不受歡迎之女星:魯潑范麗斯在銀幕上最享盛名的就是西班牙舞 Female stars who are popular everywhere: Lupe Vélez is most famous for her spanish dance on the screen.
璐蔯勃郞媚美的眼睛在競美賽中競獲首選她起先在紅壇上過生活後來為電影界收羅去當明星 [二圖] Luchenbolang's charming eyes made her the champion of a beauty pageant. She originally worked for some places for entertainment and later recruited into the movied world to be a star.[two pictures]
編輯者言 Editor's note
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
老年 (下) Old-age (part II)
老年 (下) Old-age (part II)
老年 (下) Old-age (part II)
老年 (下) Old-age (part II)
老年 (下) Old-age (part II)
玲瓏廣告 Advertisement in Linglong
徵求終身伴侶 Looking for a Lifeling Companion
徵求星期六日女伴 Looking for Female Companion for Saturdays and Sundays
男友 Boyfriend
萍 [詩歌] Duckweed [Poetry]
活潑天真二位小妹妹 Two outgoing and innocent little girls
陶園華女士 Ms. Tao Yuanhua
玻光之影 Shadows of glas
秋夜怨外一章 another chapter of the autumn evening blues
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
兩週間中外新片等級 ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 the newest Kodak 8mm camera
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 the newest Kodak 8mm camera
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
攝影畫報 Pictorial Weekly
幕味 Movies
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
蔻丹 Cutex
電影女星王人美諂媚之表情 The Flattering Smile of the Movie Star Wang Renmei