No. 083 (01 February, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
民立女校徐文俠女士之美麗倩影 a beautiful picture of Ms. Xu Wenxia from the Minli Girls' School
美人和汽車 a Beauty and a Car
婦女解放真締 the true meaning of women's emancipation
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
婦女 Women
婦女解放真締 the true meaning of women's emancipation
只有男子能救國嗎? only men can save our nation?
女子,你的名字是弱者 Frailty, Thy Name Is Woman.
什麼是新女性的典型 what is the prototype new women
女子,你的名字是弱者 Frailty, Thy Name Is Woman.
什麼是新女性的典型 what is the prototype new women
結婚前所應知的點幾(七) several tips to know before marriage (seven)
結婚前所應知的點幾(七) several tips to know before marriage (seven)
愛的雋語錄 love epigrams
"玲瓏"信箱 "Linglong" Mailbox
應該要離婚嗎? divorce or not to divorce?
應該要離婚嗎? divorce or not to divorce?
干涉及我的自由 he is interfering my freedom
蔻丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
孕婦產前的準備 some preparations before giving birth
常識 Common Knowledge
洗滌鍜器法 washing silver wares
醬油不壞法 a way to preserve soy sauce
關於絨之常識 common knowledge on corduroy
牙齒之保護 teeth care
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
婢妾問題 questions about concubines
姘度關係 cohabition
姘度關係 cohabition
財產糾紛 property dispute
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青年女畫家彭華琚女士及其作品 young artist Ms. Peng Huaju and her work
嚴靄娟女士 Ms. Yan Aijuan
(上)大夏大學洪麗琳女士 (above) Ms. Hong Lilin from the Daxia University
鋼琴家李翠貞女士 pianist Ms. Li Cuizhen
揚州瘦西湖遊艇中 in a yacht on the Slender West Lake in Yangzhou
于長孆君之七個月公子慶祥小影 a photo of the son of Mr. Yu Changying, the seven month old Qingxiang
電影導演孫瑜的長公子 the oldest son of film director Sun Yu
開步走 forward march
精於音樂之夏璐德女士 Ms. Xia Lude, who is good at music
青島大學譚梅張淑齊二女士 two ladies from the Qingdao University, Tan Mei and Zhang Shuqi
意鵑最近的玉影 a recent precious photo of Yijuan
智仁勇女劉翠英女士 Ms. Liu Cuiying from the Zhirenyong Girls' School
邵湘舲女士好文藝精舞蹈善交際 Ms. Shao Xiangling who is found of Literature and Art, mastered dancing, gregarious
白金髮女明星瓊哈羅近影 a recent photo of Jean Harlow, the light blonde star
巴柏拉之美麗身段 Babola's beautiful shape
跳舞前的準備 preparing for a dance
韻吉遜的表情一種 one of Yunqixun's facial expressions
女演員在休息中 actresses taking rest
好萊塢跳舞中的演員 dancing actresses of Hollywood
蘇俄的兒童劇院 Children's Theatre in Russia
雇用乳母須知 tips to know about hiring a wet nurse
雇用乳母須知 tips to know about hiring a wet nurse
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
新婚後新娘尋短見 bride commited suicide shortly after marriage
女校長蹈海自殺 female principal drowned herself in the sea
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
全國首創唯一圖畫週刊 攝影畫報 the first weekly of pictures in our nation, Pictorial Weekly
米高梅將來華拍戲 the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. is going to come to China to shot a film
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
定報價目 The subscription price
一九三三年的皇后 the queen in 1933
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
一個少女底情書 a love letter written by a young girl
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玲瓏雜誌啟事 An Announcement of the Linglong Magazine
玲瓏彙刊 Linglong Collections
編輯者言 Editor's note
玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
歲尾年頭的幾張國片 several films of domestic production at the end of the year
一九三二年的十大明星 ten super stars of 1932
支加哥的幸運女兒 a lucky girl from Chicago
新歲首的一筆賬 debts at the beginning of the year
外人在滬又設影片公司 again foreigners established a film company in Shanghai
外患危急中 國片界應負的使命 the mission that the domestic film production has at the time of foreign intrusion
幕味 Movies
法國明星克勞黛考爾伯對鏡小影 the french star Claudette Colbert looking at herself in the mirror
底封面:影星卡羅琳伯近影 back cover: a recent photo of movie star Carole Lombard