| 民立女校徐文俠女士之美麗倩影 | a beautiful picture of Ms. Xu Wenxia from the Minli Girls' School |
 | 美人和汽車 | a Beauty and a Car |
 | 婦女 | Women |
 | "玲瓏"信箱 | "Linglong" Mailbox |
 | 蔻丹 | Cutex |
 | 蔲丹 | Cutex |
 | 常識 | Common Knowledge |
 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | [No caption] | |
 | 青年女畫家彭華琚女士及其作品 | young artist Ms. Peng Huaju and her work |
 | 嚴靄娟女士 | Ms. Yan Aijuan |
 | (上)大夏大學洪麗琳女士 | (above) Ms. Hong Lilin from the Daxia University |
 | 鋼琴家李翠貞女士 | pianist Ms. Li Cuizhen |
 | 揚州瘦西湖遊艇中 | in a yacht on the Slender West Lake in Yangzhou |
 | 于長孆君之七個月公子慶祥小影 | a photo of the son of Mr. Yu Changying, the seven month old Qingxiang |
 | 電影導演孫瑜的長公子 | the oldest son of film director Sun Yu |
 | 開步走 | forward march |
 | 精於音樂之夏璐德女士 | Ms. Xia Lude, who is good at music |
 | 青島大學譚梅張淑齊二女士 | two ladies from the Qingdao University, Tan Mei and Zhang Shuqi |
 | 意鵑最近的玉影 | a recent precious photo of Yijuan |
 | 智仁勇女劉翠英女士 | Ms. Liu Cuiying from the Zhirenyong Girls' School |
 | 邵湘舲女士好文藝精舞蹈善交際 | Ms. Shao Xiangling who is found of Literature and Art, mastered dancing, gregarious |
 | 白金髮女明星瓊哈羅近影 | a recent photo of Jean Harlow, the light blonde star |
 | 巴柏拉之美麗身段 | Babola's beautiful shape |
 | 跳舞前的準備 | preparing for a dance |
 | 韻吉遜的表情一種 | one of Yunqixun's facial expressions |
 | 女演員在休息中 | actresses taking rest |
 | 好萊塢跳舞中的演員 | dancing actresses of Hollywood |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | [No caption] | |
 | 幕味 | Movies |
 | 法國明星克勞黛考爾伯對鏡小影 | the french star Claudette Colbert looking at herself in the mirror |
 | 底封面:影星卡羅琳伯近影 | back cover: a recent photo of movie star Carole Lombard |