| 婦女雜誌第十七卷第九號 | The Ladies Journal, vol. 17 no. 9 |
| 婦女界之福音 | Women's gospel |
| 婦女界之福音 | Women's gospel |
| 茱萸 | Dogwood |
| 苞荷 | |
| 凡拉蒙 | Veramon |
| 凡拉蒙 | Veramon |
| 凡拉蒙 | Veramon |
| 凡拉蒙 | Veramon |
| 小辭典 | Little dictionary |
| 使小兒加餐用嬰孩自己藥片 | Use Baby's Own Tablets to make children eat more |
| 使小兒加餐用嬰孩自己藥片 | Use Baby's Own Tablets to make children eat more |
| 攬鏡自照欣然色喜深感如意膏之功 | Feel the effectiveness of SHE-KO after happily seeing oneself in the mirror |
| 攬鏡自照欣然色喜深感如意膏之功 | Feel the effectiveness of SHE-KO after happily seeing oneself in the mirror |
| 婦女雜誌第十七卷第九號 | Vol. 17 no. 9, The Ladies Journal |
| 日間操勞惟酣睡乃能恢復 | Only good sleep can help you recover from daytime work |
| 日間操勞惟酣睡乃能恢復 | Only good sleep can help you recover from daytime work |
| 日間操勞惟酣睡乃能恢復 | Only good sleep can help you recover from daytime work |
| 污膜 | Film |
| 污膜 | Film |
| 柯達軟片 | Kodak film |
| 柯達軟片 | Kodak film |
| 柯達軟片 | Kodak film |
| 三花牌香粉 | Three flowers face powder |
| 三花牌香粉 | Three flowers face powder |
| 三花牌香粉 | Three flowers face powder |
| 三花牌香粉 | Three flowers face powder |
| 身體強健 | Strong and healthy body |
| 身體強健 | Strong and healthy body |
| 身體強健 | Strong and healthy body |
| 脫帽握手時 | Tuo mao wo shou shi |
| 脫帽握手時 | Tuo mao wo shou shi |
| 脫帽握手時 | Tuo mao wo shou shi |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 家庭新工藝縐紙製花 | Family new craft crepe-paper flowers |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
| 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
| 鷄眼作祟 | It is corns that cause the trouble |
| 鷄眼作祟 | It is corns that cause the trouble |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Ideales anticoncipiens |
| 出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Ideales anticoncipiens |
| 節育 | Contraception |
| 節育 | Contraception |
| 國貨味母 | Domestic product Ve-Mo |
| 國貨味母 | Domestic product Ve-Mo |
| 四時咸宜 | It is suitable for all four seasons |
| 四時咸宜 | It is suitable for all four seasons |
| 四時咸宜 | It is suitable for all four seasons |
| 牛乳育兒法 | Childrearing with milk |
| 退熱聖劑 | Sacred medicine for treating fever |
| 退熱聖劑 | Sacred medicine for treating fever |
| 退熱聖劑 | Sacred medicine for treating fever |
| 縫紉教員身體衰頹今告愈矣 | The health of this tailor teacher was declining but now she is announced recovered |
| 縫紉教員身體衰頹今告愈矣 | The health of this tailor teacher was declining but now she is announced recovered |
| 縫紉教員身體衰頹今告愈矣 | The health of this tailor teacher was declining but now she is announced recovered |
| 縫紉教員身體衰頹今告愈矣 | The health of this tailor teacher was declining but now she is announced recovered |