| 婦女第十五卷第十二號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 15 no. 12 |
 | 運動用品 | Sports supplies |
 | 遊覽必備/ 德國蔡司伊康照相器及用品 | Travel essentials/ German Zeiss Ikon cameras and supplies |
 | 名勝畫冊/ 燕京勝績 | The album of places of interest/ Famous places in Yanjing |
 | 夕陽無限好 | Sunset is infinitely good |
 | 為母者皆喜買維也勒法蘭絨 | Mothers all like to buy Viyella s flannel |
 | 為母者皆喜買維也勒法蘭絨 | Mothers all like to buy Viyella s flannel |
 | 為母者皆喜買維也勒法蘭絨 | Mothers all like to buy Viyella s flannel |
 | 四川江北縣縣立女校提琴隊演奏時攝影 | Photo of the violin group from the girls school of Jiangbei county, Sichuan |
 | 跁行/ 羅賢梅寄贈 | Crawling/ Luo Xianmei sent and gave |
 | 好姊妹/ 林澤人攝 | Good sisters/ Taken by Lin Zenren |
 | 梅縣縣立女子師範一九三一年級級會成立紀念攝影 | Photo in memory of the meeting for the establishment of class 1931 at The Girls Normal College of Mei County |
 | 愛爾邦/專治肺癆午後潮熱 | Elbon/ Special treatments for tuberculosis and afternoon tidal fever |
 | 愛爾邦/專治肺癆午後潮熱 | Elbon/ Special treatments for tuberculosis and afternoon tidal fever |
 | 努力下層工作 | Enhance the work of the lower part of the body |
 | 其姐妹均欲用之因為如意膏已愈乃兄 | His sisters all use it because Sheko has cured their brother |
 | 其姐妹均欲用之因為如意膏已愈乃兄 | His sisters all use it because Sheko has cured their brother |
 | 婦女第十五卷第十二號 | The Ladies Journal vol. 15 no. 12 |
 | 學生婚姻問題 | Students marriage problems |
 | 白描仕女/ 紅線 | Line drawings of traditional Chinese ladies/ Hong Xian |
 | 寶華乾牛奶/ 含生活素(即維他命)最多 | Momilk/ Containing the most life element (vitamine) |
 | 常用棕欖霜能使肌膚香艷如花細潤似玉 | Using palmolive cream on a regular basis can make skin smell like flowers and look like jade |
 | 常用棕欖霜能使肌膚香艷如花細潤似玉 | Using palmolive cream on a regular basis can make skin smell like flowers and look like jade |
 | 大洋四元五角之價值 | The value of four and half Dayang |
 | 大洋四元五角之價值 | The value of four and half Dayang |
 | 大力果乾牛奶 | Dryco dry milk |
 | 大力果乾牛奶 | Dryco dry milk |
 | 先秦婚姻概況 | Marriage before Qin |
 | 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
 | 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
 | 司丹康美髮霜 | Stacome hair treatment cream |
 | 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
 | 必素定牙膏 | Pepsodent toothpaste |
 | 白描仕女/ 謝道韞 | Line drawings of traditional Chinese ladies/ Xie Daoyun |
 | 好立克麥精牛乳粉 | Horlicks malted milk |
 | 好立克麥精牛乳粉 | Horlicks malted milk |
 | 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenburys milk powder |
 | 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenburys milk powder |
 | 用丹麗生縐紋紙製花工省價廉 | Use Dennison crepe paper flowers to save labour and money |
 | 用丹麗生縐紋紙製花工省價廉 | Use Dennison crepe paper flowers to save labour and money |
 | 雪的除夕 | The new year s eve of snow |
 | 寒假 | Winter break |
 | 皮鞭下的呻吟者 | The moaner under the whip |
 | 皮鞭下的呻吟者 | The moaner under the whip |
 | 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
 | 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
 | 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
 | 西蒙香蜜粉 | Simon Creme |
 | 史斑通 | Speton |
 | 函授學社 | Correspondence school |
 | 統一牌自來水筆/ 和平牌自來水筆 | Union fountain pen/ Peace fountain pen |
 | 統一牌自來水筆/ 和平牌自來水筆 | Union fountain pen/ Peace fountain pen |
 | 顧夫人不能治家 | Mrs. Gu is unable to manage the household |
 | 顧夫人不能治家 | Mrs. Gu is unable to manage the household |
 | 顧夫人不能治家 | Mrs. Gu is unable to manage the household |