| 美麗的住宅 | |
 | 李村女姑塔 | Girl tower in the village of Li |
 | 匯泉炮臺 | Huiquan Fort |
 | 日本人所建的神社 | The shrine built by the Japanese |
 | 四面鐘 (山東夏東生君摄贈) | four-sided clock |
 | 勞山華嚴泉 | LaoShan Huayan spring |
 | (4) 奧略樓在黃鶴樓後方張昌炎君攝贈 | |
 | (3) 愛之歸宿 嘉興高學海君攝贈 | |
 | (1) 荼禪夕照 | |
 | (2) 湖南之濱 | The coast of Hunan |
 | 蔬林魚艇(秦梧園繪) | |
 | 新时代的主婦 | Housewife in new era |
 | 金缕式的套圈書法 | Golden loop calligraphy |
 | 白描仕女 (桂華) | Beutiful women in line painting (Gui Hua) |
 | 室内運動機 | Domestic exercise machine |
 | 家庭用費的支配問題 | The domination of household expenses |
 | 火岛松 | Pine on volcano |
 | 烟雨耕田 | Planting in the rain |
 | 蓮傘 | Lotus umbrella |
 | 江村春雨 長松拱壽 | |
 | 綠珠 | Lu zhu |
 | 不上鈎的魚小姐 | Unhooked Ms. fish |
 | 慈悲的兔兒 | Merciful rabbit |
 | 手提的電影攝影機 | Portable movie camera |
 | 箱式的濾器 | Box-type filter |
 | 體溫記載表 / 脈搏記載表 | Body temperature record table / pulse record table |
 | 刺繡術的淺說 | Talk about simple embroidery |