| 婦女雜誌第九卷第三號 (娼妓問題號) | The ladies' journal volume 9, issue 3 (Special issue on prostitution) |
| 駐美公使施肇基博士及其夫人 | Minister of the Chinese Embassy in the United States---Dr. Shi Zhaoji and his wife. |
| 福建長汀明倫女學校全體攝影 | The photography of Minglun female school in Changting, Fujian |
| 婦女雜誌第九卷第三號 | The Ladies' Journal Vol. 9 No. 3 |
| 戈登女士近影 | |
| 國民女選民同盟會長派克夫人 | President of the League of Women Voters |
| 哈利曼夫人 | Mrs. J. Boren Harriman |
| 美國國民勞動組合會長斯偉士夫人 | President of the Women's Trade Union League Mrs. Maud Swartz |
| 婦女俱樂部總聯盟會長溫德夫人(文德爾夫人) | President of the General Federation of Women's Clubs---Mrs. Thomas Winter |
| 馬爾更女士 | Ms. Ruth Morgan |
| 哈利台女士 | |
| 女子生殖器官的側剖面圖 | Side profile of female genitalia |
| 竹製科學玩具 | Science toys made of bamboo |