| Cover | |
 | 樹枝 | Tree branches |
 | 草叢 | Brushwood |
 | 皮鞋 | Shoes |
 | 踢足球的人 | a man who is playing football |
 | 北京女子高等師範參觀團 | Delegation of Beijing women's advanced normal school |
 | 英國婦女運動之巨擘 | Two great women in British feminist movement |
 | 英國婦女運動之巨擘 | Two great women in British feminist movement |
 | 線裝書 | Book in traditional format |
 | 服用清導丸 | Taking the laxative |
 | 今晨覺如此否 | Do you feel like this this morning |
 | 抱孩子的婦女 | A woman holding a baby |
 | 著者山川菊榮女士 | The author---lady Shanchuan Jurong |
 | 花叢 | Flowers |
 | 瓶花 | Flowers in vase |
 | 戴帽子的婦女半身像 | A bust of a woman with a hat |
 | 巴拉巴夫那夫人 | |
 | 抽象裝飾畫 | Abstract decoration |
 | 勞農政府設立兒童會食廳 | The government of labor and agriculture established a dining hall for the children |
 | 兩棵樹、河流與魚 | Two trees, river and fish |
 | 風景 | Landscape |
 | 李寧雕像 | Bust of * |
 | 鄉村2 | Village2 |
 | 月季 | China rose |
 | 鄉村1 | Village1 |
 | 珂而搿子香皂兩種 | Two types of Colcate's soaps |
 | 婦女在盥洗室 | A woman in lady's room |
 | 雞眼患者 | Helosis sufferer |
 | 兩只鳥兒 | Two birds |
 | 江岸松風 | Pine trees along the river |
 | 帆船 | Sailboat |
 | 培蘭氏之電送照相機 | Belin's electronic? camera |
 | 花兒 | Flower |
 | 電送照相機發明人培蘭氏 | The inventor of the electronic? camera Mr. Belin |
 | 電送照相機內部之構造 | Inner structure of the electronic? camera |
 | 電送之照相 | Photograph of electronic? camera |