| 婦女雜誌第六卷第四號 | Vol. 6 no. 4, The Ladies Journal |
| 姚俠茞女士畫山水人物二幅 | Two landscape and figure paintings of Yao Xiachen |
| 赴法勤工儉學之最先者徐蔣碧微女士小影 | Photo of Mrs. Xu Jiang Biwei, the pioneering work-study student in France |
| 旁氏白玉霜 | Pond's extract company's vanishing cream |
| 廣東請願婦女參政權代表李蓮女士小影 | Photo of Ms. Li Lian, the representative who petitioned for women's suffrage in Guangdong |
| 愛讀婦女雜誌者上海愛國女學體操科專修生杜豪杜傑小影 | Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Du Hao and Du Jie, students who majored in gymnastics at Shanghai Patriotic Female School |
| 屏聯堂幅 | Couplet scrolls and hall decoration paintings |
| 小兒腹瀉 | Infantile diarrhea |
| 鷄眼之去脫法 | Methods for removing foot corns |
| 鷄眼之去脫法 | Methods for removing foot corns |
| 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
| 鶴卯通丸 | Hormotone balls |
| 博士壽粟 | Post toasties |
| 國貨花邊 | Domestic lace |
| 國貨花邊 | Domestic lace |
| 國貨花邊 | Domestic lace |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 第一個飛行機 | The first airplane |
| 續文學圖說 | Continued illustrative explanation of literature |
| 俠義佳人 | Chivalrous lady |
| 斯賓塞晶片公司 | Spencer Lens Co. |
| 科學小識 (續) | Little knowledge about science (continued) |
| 科學小製造 (續) | Small inventions of science (continued) |
| 美麗之蝶 | Beautiful butterflies |
| 帽和美容的關係 | The relationship between hats and beauty |