| 博士登茶 | Postum tea |
| 婦女雜誌第六卷第十號 | Vol. 6 no. 10, The Ladies Journal |
| 南高暑校兒童青年心理學員歡送凌冰先生攝影 | Photo of the farewell to Mr. Ling Bing hosted by the child and youth psychology studnets of Nangao summer school |
| 無錫私立振秀女學校刺繡成績攝影兩幅 | Two photos of the embroidery achievement of Zhenxiu private female school in Wuxi |
| 家蠅圖 | The pictures of family flies |
| 如何可使手指甲永久秀麗乎 | How to make finger nails forever beautiful |
| 如何可使手指甲永久秀麗乎 | How to make finger nails forever beautiful |
| 此女孩及其兄均係由嬰孩自己藥片之功力得獲強健也 | Thanks to Baby's Own Tablet, this girl and her brothers all became healthy and strong |
| 大腸阻滯 | Intestinal obstruction |
| 鷄眼硬皮療治有方 | The removal of foot corns and hard skin |
| 鷄眼硬皮療治有方 | The removal of foot corns and hard skin |
| 固齡玉牙膏 | Kolynos ascientific dentifrice |
| 夕陽染皂 | Sunset dyeing soap |
| 夕陽染皂 | Sunset dyeing soap |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
| 一切皮膚病盡掃除 | Removal of all skin diseases |
| 各種音樂唱歌用書 | All kinds of music and singing books |
| 眼藥水 | Eyedrop |
| 各種尺牘 | All kinds of letters |
| 衛生新談 | New discussion on hygiene |
| 中華第一針織廠 | Number one knitting mill in China |
| 公共儲金 | Public savings |
| 活潑的女學生 | Female students full of energy |
| 國慶日的號外 | The extra edition on the National Day |
| 兒童領地/ 雙十節的笑話 | Children's territory/ Jokes on Oct. 10th |
| 女界必讀之小說 | Must-read novels for the women's circle |
| 為婦女之良友愈福建二名媛 | It is women's best friend that has healed two ladies in Fujian |
| 為婦女之良友愈福建二名媛 | It is women's best friend that has healed two ladies in Fujian |