| 婦女雜誌第三卷第八號 | Ladies' Journal volume 3, issue eight |
| 浙江女子師範學校學生圖畫成蹟 | Zhejiang girls' normal school students' imagestracings |
| 女學生姿努攝影 | Photographs of female students in dutiful poses |
| 社說 | Editorial [title page] |
| 學藝門 | Learning and skills [title page] |
| 家政門 | Home economics [title page] |
| | red cross |
| | red cross dogs |
| | red cross dogs |
| | red cross dogs |
| 文范 | Literary garden [title page] |
| 小說 | Fiction [title page] |
| | no caption--man and women in a bed |
| | no caption--man and women in a bed |
| | no caption-- woman at a mirror |
| | no caption-- child at a desk with adult |
| | no caption--airplanes and ships |
| 國文範作 | Exemplary essays [title page] |
| 雜俎 | Miscellaneous collection [title page] |
| 餘興 | Entertainment [title page] |
| 第一圖 | FIgure one: lamp |
| 第二圖, 第三圖 | Figure two, figure three |
| 第四圖, 第五圖 | Figure four, figure five |
| | no caption--house with figures |
| | no caption--interior scene with animal |
| | no caption |
| | no caption--interior scene |
| | no caption--interior scene worshiping |
| 謎畫懸賞 | Reward offered for the solving of this riddle |