| 婦女雜誌第三卷第二號 | Cover Journal |
 | 常熟陸逸塵女士水彩畫 | Water colors by Mrs. Liu Ychen from Changshu |
 | 順德女醫士蘇淑貞小影 | Photograph of Dr. Sun Shunzhen from Shunde |
 | 上海徐園行結婚體均年十七歲 | Marriage photograph at Shanghai Xu Garden, age 17 |
 | | photo of |
 | 重慶格致大藥房羅子昌醫生之家庭攝影 | Family photograph of Dr. Luo Zichang of Ge Zhi pharmacy in Chongqing |
 | 社說 | Editorial [title page] |
 | 女子必讀之書 | Must reads for women |
 | 學藝門 | Learning and skills [title page] |
 | 家政 | Home economics [title page] |
 | 牛乳分層表 | Milk stratification table |
 | 山龐培博士 | |
 | ?思雷牧師 | Chaplain |
 | 沙柳女士 | Mrs. Sha Liu |
 | 散司登君 | |
 | 波希先生 | |
 | 白脫女士 | |
 | 柳慲女士 | |
 | 西蘭先生 | Mr. Xi Lan |
 | 伊蘭女士 | Mrs. Yi Lan |
 | 威立姆生女士 | Mrs. Wei li mu sheng |
 | 禹皇山 | Emperor Yu mountain |
 | 禹皇廟 | Emperor Yu temple |
 | | 汴洛 |
 | | buddhist figures |
 | 偵探小說 | Detective fiction |
 | | (F) |
 | | (G) |
 | | (H) |
 | | (I) |
 | | no caption--man and women with a monkey |
 | | no caption--monkey |
 | | no caption-- house with electricity tower |
 | | no caption -- mountainscape |
 | 第四圖 | Figure four |
 | 第五圖 | Figure five |
 | 第六圖 | Figure six |