| 陳佩君女士之最近倩影 | a recent photo of Ms. Chen Peijun |
 | 渭風小學教職員合影 | a group portrait of the staffs at the Weifeng Elementary School |
 | 婦女 | Women |
 | 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
 | 蔲丹 | Cutex |
 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 愛國女校畢業生王海倫女士 | Ms. Wang Hailun, a graduate from the Aiguo Girls' School |
 | 陸麗霞女士近影 | a recent photo of Ms. Lu Lixia |
 | 女子體育 | women's sport |
 | 天津南開女中排球隊 | the volley ball team of Nankai Grils' School in Tianjin |
 | 中國女體專之體操(三圖) | Girls at the Chinese Girls' Physical Education College doing gymnastics (three pictures) |
 | 花一般地嬌艷的新星羅賽赫遜之倩影 | a picture of the new star Luosaihexun who is like a beautiful flower |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 幕味 | Movies |
 | 甜姐兒南錫卡露和她的愛女 | the beauty Nancy Carroll and her daughter |
 | 摩蓮奧莎莉文倩影 | a beautiful picture of Maureen O'Sullivan |
 | 風騷女郎露泊范麗絲之熱情 | the passion of the hot girl Lupe Vélez |
 | 底封面: 女星密爾娜萊近影 | back cover: a recent photo of the star Mi'ernalai |