| 洪狄蕊女士玉照 | A Precious Photo of Ms. Hong Dirui |
| 馬毓芳女士擅運動此為遊西湖時留影 | Ms. Ma Yufang is Good at Sports. This is a Photo of Her as She Was Traveling in Xihu |
| 婦女 | Women |
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| 摩登媳婦 | A Modern Wife |
| 時局與時令 士英 琳 合作 | The Current Situation and Point of Time. Cowork of Shiying and Lin |
| 大魚不來小魚來 | Big Fish Stay Away and Let Small Ones Come |
| 摩登化的丈夫 陳少翔作 | The Modernized Husband. By Chen Shaoxiang. |
| 戀的媒介 張白鷺作 | The Media of Love. By Zhang Bailu. |
| 某大公司廣告的一段 郭建英作 | Part of an Advertisement from a Big Company. By Guo Jianying. |
| 一個荒唐的救火員 自美國HOOEY誌-- | An Absurd Fire Fighter. From the American Magazine HOOEY |
| 豬三故事 | A Story about Zhusan |
| 兒童衛生習慣 衛生署製 | Children's Hygiene Habit, done by the Department of Health |
| 對牛彈經 黃士英作 | Playing a Sutra to a Cow, by Huang Shiying |
| 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
| 蔲丹 | Cutex |
| 常識 | Common Knowledge |
| 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
| 智仁勇女校學生朱勇女士善鋼琴此其近影也 | Ms. Zhu Yong who is a Student of Zhirenyong Girls' School, Plays Piano Quite Well. This Is a Recent Photo of Her. |
| 學生式大衣 | A Coat in Student's Style |
| 上海法政學院凌愛芳女士 | Ms. Ling Aifang Who Studies at the Shanghai College of Law and Politics |
| 在園中 | In the Garden |
| 女同學 (智仁勇四位女生) | Girl Classmates (Four Girls from Zhirenyong) |
| 高臺遠望 | Looking into the Distance |
| 廣州女學生參觀團抵京時參觀鉄道部時留影 | A Photo of the Visiting Group of the Girl Students from Guangzhou While Visiting the Railway Department after They Arrived in Beijing |
| 申新第三紗廠之女工作工時攝影 | A Photo of the Women Workers Working in the Third Yarn Factory in Shenxin |
| 村中之女勞働者 | A Woman Laborer in the Village |
| 母子之愛 | Maternal Love |
| 幼年時代之瑙瑪希拉 | Norma Shearer as Child |
| 詹姆斯鄧和潘琪仙儂 [......] | James Dunn and Peggy Shannon [......] |
| [......]白蘭四歲時的樣子 | |
| 複亞和男角[......]之一幕 | |
| 李却迪克斯本為好萊塢有名之獨身男子,近亦已結婚,新夫人李却相識已六年,平日雙方情書不輟,然除二人外他人未嘗知此秘密。 | Richard Dix Used to be a Famous Bachelor in Hollywood. He is Recently Married. Lique and His Newly Wed Wife Have Known Each Other Since Six Years. They Keep Writing Each Other. But Nobody Except the Couple Ever Knew the Secret. |
| 兒童 | Children |
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| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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| 自蘸印墨的日戳 | The Date Seal Which Refills the Seal Paste Automatically |
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| 武俠明星湯密克斯與前妻離婚後近與馬戲班名角結婚,中坐者即新夫人,左為前妻之女現已九歲。 | The Martial Star Tom Mix is Recently Married to a Circus Star after He Devorced to His Ex-Wife. The One in the Middle is His New Wife. At the Left is His Daughter from the First Marriage, Now 9 Years Old. . |
| 約翰巴里穆亞及海倫脫愛芙曲里絲之將吻時表情 | The Expression of John Barrymore and Helen Twelvetrees When about to Kiss |