| 封面: 游泳池畔 | The cover page: beside a swimming pool |
 | 愛讀本刊的侯美倫女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Hou Meilun who loves reading our magazine |
 | 婦女 | Women |
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 | 亞特奴露 | Odo-Ro-No |
 | 亞特奴露 | Odo-Ro-No |
 | 利華皂粉 | Lux soap powder |
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 | 常識 | Common knowledge |
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 | 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
 | 微笑 (郵政匯業局職員王韻秋女士) | Smile (Ms Wang Yunqiu, the office worker at the Post and Telegraph Office) |
 | 時裝表演會在進行中 | A fashion show in progress |
 | 會場中之觀眾 | Audience at the meeting place |
 | 表演後留影 | Having a picture taken as a souvenir after the show |
 | 來賓踴躍入場 | Guests entering the meeting place eagerly |
 | 少女夏裝 | Summer dress for young girl |
 | 睡衣之 (二) | Pajama (two) |
 | 一對畢業生 | A pair of graduates |
 | 回顧 | Retrospection |
 | 海角天涯 | The ends of the earth |
 | 立在吳淞炮台殘跡上的洪秦兩小姐及女友 | Miss Hong and Miss Qin, together with their girlfriends, standing on the remains of Wusong fortress |
 | 清流可以濯足 | A clear stream in which you could wash your feet |
 | 畫室中的模特兒 | A model in the atelier |
 | 青春的舞蹈 | The dance of youth |
 | 舞的藝術[二圖] | The art of dance |
 | 七歲的瓊克勞馥手裏還抱了玩偶呢 | The seven-year-old Joan Crawford with a doll in her arms |
 | 瓊克勞馥及其畫像 | Joan Crawford and her portrait |
 | 獃頭獃腦的冷面孔配司開登,居然也會玩棒球,而且也得到錦標呢。 | The stupid-and-stern-looking Buster Keaton actually knows how to play baseball and has once got championship |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
 | 兒童 | Children |
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 | 自動電椅 | An automatic electric chair |
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 | 娛樂 | Entertainment |
 | 她們在練習着怎樣去用愛情的圈套,把男子收服起來。 | They are practising how to use the trap of love to bring men under control |
 | 瑙瑪希拉與其夫歐文合影 | Group photo of Naomaxila and her husband Ouwen |
 | 天一演員陸霞麗女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Lu Xiali, the actress of Tianyi |