No. 074 (16 November, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
中立者復旦大學蔣冬華女士右江曼莉女士左陸夢英女士均華僑中學高材生The One in the Middle is Ms. Jiang Donghua from the Fudan University, the one on the Right is Ms. Jiang Manli, the one from the Left is Ms. Lu Mengying, They are all Prominent Students from the Huaqiao School.
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玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
女職員The Female Employee
汽車夫狂按喇叭The Driver Honks Impatiently
慾望-自Life誌-Desire-From the Life Magazine
媽! 你不要我了嗎?Mom! Are You Leaving Me?
抗日Fighting Against the Japanese.
嘿 朋友Hey Friend
放債容易討債難 黃士英作It Is Easy to Lend Money than to Have It Back, by Huang Shiying
飢不擇食 葉淺予作Hunger Is the Best Sauce. By Ye Qianyu
唔! 好福氣的太太!Wow! What a Fruitful Woman.
虎口餘生 張義璋投稿Having a Narrow Escape from Death. By Zhang Yizhang.
常識Common Knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
詠方女士愛好文學其作品見本期玲瓏Ms. Yongfang Loves Literature, Her Work is Published in this Issue.
白大衣A White Coat
在公園中的江曼莉女士Ms. Jiang Manli in the Park
新裝給秋風吹亂了The New Dress is Blown Chaotically by the Autumn Wind.
女運動員在休息中The Sortswomen Taking a Rest
兩江女生體操之一種One of the Gymnastic of the Liangjiang Girls' School
蘇俄的舞蹈Russian Dance
左圖為女工作工後舞蹈消遣The Left Picture Shows Women Worker Dancing After Work
瓊裴納化裝到外面旅行Qiongpeina Dressed up and Set out to Travel
華雷斯皮萊在法國消假Wallace Beery is on Holliday in France
小范朋克和瓊克勞馥拍片後趕到歐洲去旅行Douglas Jr. Fairbanks and Joan Crawford Went for a Trip in Europe after They Finished Filming
美國影片之十八世紀裝束The 18th Century Outfit in an American Film
嘉寶抵瑞典時與其弟在碼頭上向歡迎羣眾揚巾時情形Greta Garbo and Her Younger Brother Waving to the Public on the Wharf as She Arrived Sweden
聯華小明星黎鏗近影A Recent Photo of the Child Star Li Jian from Lianhua Company
可愛的小妹妹A Cute Little Girl
李麗與高占非在新片"春潮"中之表情The Facial Expressions of Li Li and Gao Zhanfei in the New Film "The Spring Wave"
摩登三女性之黎灼灼與金燄Li Zhuozhuo, One of the Three Modern Women and Jin Yan
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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德國烏發公司女星卡娣方耐姬之芳容Woman Star Katifangnaiji of the Universum Film A. G. in Germany
好萊塢法國女星克勞黛考爾伯French Female Hollywood Star Claudette Colbert