No. 072 (26 October, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 56 (56 total)
封面: 梁麗齡女士The cover page: Ms Liang Liling
謝文息女士在她家園戶前的留影Photo of Ms Xie Wenxi in front of her house
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秋波兩種-你喜歡哪一種? 建英Two kinds of leering - which kind do you like? Jianying
一個詩人追求不到女性時,吟詩來讚美他理想中的女性,畫餅充飢以安慰性饑荒When a poet can not get a woman, he would compose poems to praise his ideal women. Feeding on illusions to satisfy his hunger for sex.
李童情變記The breaking-up of Li and Tong
陳公博與曹俊卿 Chen Gongbo and Cao Junqin
(大減價之印象)(The Impression on Discount)
某閨秀畫家之個人作品展覽會 建英作A Lady Painter's Personal Work Exhibition, by Jianying
左為女界著名之長篇滑稽畫不用說明而寓意顯著如舞台中文啞劇On the Left is the Most Famous Long Comic strips, the Meaning is Easy to Understand like the Chinese Pantomime on Stage
一個破產了的音樂家奏著他心愛的樂器-自美國HOOY誌-A Bankrupt Musician Playing his Favorite Instrument-From the American Magazine HOOY
有求必應To Accede to Every Plea
所謂之女明星 宗惟賡作The Socalled Woman Star, by Zong Weigeng
紅花瓶與綠夜壺女士合影 胡同光作A Photo of Miss Red Vase and Miss Green Chamber Pot, by Hu Tongguang
父之愛子 無所不至(士英)The Father is Very Attentive to His Son out of Parental Love (Shiying)
媽媽不在家 胡考作Mother is not Home, by Hu Kao
哲學家的收拾行李The Philosophical Methods of Packing
玲瓏信箱The Linglong Mailbox
常識Common Knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
陳琬君小姐Miss Chen Wanjun
四川蘇琴航女士之新裝A New Dress of Ms. Su Qinhang
晚禮服A Night Dress
李佩萱女士Ms. Li Peixuan
青島張宗儀與殷倚雲女士Zhang Zongyi from Qingdao and Ms. Yin Yiyun
智仁勇兩位好的同學Two School Friends from the Zhi Ren Yong School
羅慰慈女士Ms. Luo Weici
女子百米接力第一之我國選手The Contestant of Our Country Who Won the First Place in Women's 4 × 100 Metres Relay
上海萬國運動會得女子總分第一之中華隊女選手全體合影A Group Photo of the Chinese Team Who Won the First Place Total Score at the Shanghai Universal Games
大學閉幕給獎時我國成績最優之莊銘箴女士領獎之情形Ms. Zhuang Mingzhen, Who is the Top Prize Winner from Our National Team, Receiving her Prizes at the Closing Ceremony
中西女塾黃樂羣女士Ms. Huang Yaogun from the Zhongxi Girls' School
智仁勇蔡芸壁女士Ms. Cai Yunbi from the Zhirenyong Girls' School
蔣瑞芳女士Ms. Jiang Ruifang
榮佩瑜女士Ms. Rong Peiyu
時髦帽式 [二圖]Chic Hats [Two pictures]
好萊塢新裝Hollywood New Fashion
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羅烈泰楊的晚禮服Loretta Young's Nightdress
一位新進女星雪莉張泊絲 Shirley Chabers 她是好萊塢人日夕受電影生活的薰陶終使她成明星A New Woman Star Shirley Chambers. She is Hollywoodian Was Nurtured by the Movie Live There and Eventually Became a Star
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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汽車上之放聲器Loudspeaker for Cars
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秋波流盼的女星莉泰佛蓮最近小影A Recent Photo of the Woman Star Litaifolian Who Has Attractive Eyes
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