No. 057 (06 July, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
紅樓豔史主角珍妮麥唐納最近小影Recent photo of Jeanette MacDonald, the heroin of "Love Me Tonight"
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利華皂粉Lux soap powder
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常識Common knowledge
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法律顧問Legal Counsel
霍景熹與景燕Huo Jingxi and Jingyan
徐佩琳是一位活潑聰明的女子Xu Peilin is a lively and smart woman
徐蕙珍是一位嬌小玲瓏的女學生Xu Huizhen is a petite student
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之捷隊The Jie team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之白辰隊The Baichen team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
參加天津公開女子排球比賽之嬰隊The Ying team who take part in Tianjin open tournament of women's volleyball
半西式便裝A casual dress of half Western style
一對新父母A pair of new parents
新做媽媽的舒淑靜女士A new mama, Ms Shu Shujing
同學會中來賓都喜氣洋洋的立着進茶點Guests of a class reunion are all full of joy, standig and having tea and pastries
(下) 該校女生招待殷勤,親自捧茶點敬客。(below) Female students of this school are welcoming guests with hospitality, serving tea and pastries in person
來賓進茶點時之情形A scene of the guests having tea and pastries
聖瑪利亞女學本季同樂大會之攝影 遊藝節目中之踏地舞Photo of the happy-together party of St. Maria girls' school in this season; the tap dance, one of the entertainment programmes
?夫人王麗亞及其子女? Wang Liya and her son and daughter
會客室The reception room
早餐室The breakfast room
明星珍妮麥唐納的新裝五種,都是她別出心裁製成的時髦服裝。Five new dresses of the star Zhenni Maitangna, all of which are original fashion styles created by herself
美妙的舞影Wonderful dance shadows
徐粲鶯龔秋霞的水手舞The sailor's dance of Xu Canying and Gong Qiuxia
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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梁鸞珍女士近影Recent photo of Ms Liang Luanzhen