| 婦女雜誌第九卷第五號目錄 | The ladies' journal volume 9, issue 5, table of contents |
| 論近日女權運動的沈寂 | On the recent inertia of the women's movement |
| 戀愛的藝術 | The art of love |
| 節操的功能 | The function of high moral principles |
| 現行律亦不准兼祧雙娶 | |
| 中國型的戀愛方式 | The Chinese way of loving |
| 束胸習慣與性知識 | The custom of breast binding and knowledge of sex |
| 男女的隔離與同性愛 | The segregation of men and women and same-sex love |
| 婦女與法律 | Women and law |
| 俄蘇駐外之女大使 | Soviet Russian female embassadors |
| 偉大的女學問家 | Mighty female intellectuals |
| 對於婦女運動的幾個意見 | A few suggestions for the women's movement |
| 對於女子解放的私議 | Regarding the private meetings of women's liberation |
| 現代婦女解放的意義 | The import of contemporary women's liberation |
| 廢娼問題的重要 | The importance of abolishing prostitution |
| 英美婦女政治上地位的比較 | A comparison of the political status of American and English women |
| 政治學會不開女禁 | |
| 日本女界的現狀 (日本Oku Mumeo 奧梅尾女士原著) | The present situation of the women's world in Japan (original by Japanese writer Oku Mumeo) |
| 女子興業獎章規則 | Rules and regulations for the women's industrial award |
| 美國婦女的地位 | The status of women in America |
| 介紹新刊:上虞女界同志會刊、彌灑、淺草 | Introducing new publications |
| 美國婦女的活動 | The activities of American women |
| 德國婦女的勞動運動 | The labor movement of women in Germany |
| 大學婦女同盟的希望 | The hopes for an alliance among female university students |
| 大美洲協會在巴的摩開會的追記 | |
| 第一次得諾貝爾文學獎的婦女瑞典文學家萊甘洛夫女士 | The first female winner of the Nobel prize in literature, Swedish writer Ms Selma Lagerlof |
| 閨秀化妝品之消耗 | Genteel women's consumption of cosmetics |
| 甲突斯台(Djaddesde), 土耳其美列克女士原者 | Djaddesde, by Turkish writer Melek Hanum |
| 憂愁夫人 (德國蘇台爾曼原作) | The sorrowful madame (original by German author, Sutai'erman) |
| 失望 | Despair |
| 幻影 | Phantom |
| 暴風雨 | The storm |
| 一剎那 | A moment |
| 母親的病 | Mother's illness |
| 女子之性的知識(續) | Women's knowledge of sex (continued) |
| 室內裝飾法 | How to decorate interiors |
| 小兒營養法 | How to maintain the health of babies |
| 豆豉醬製法 | How to make black bean sauce |
| 通訊 | A message |
| 讀前號 | Before reading |
| 編輯餘錄 | Message from the editors |