| 為婢女養媳前妻子女乞命文 | As the maid, raising the former wife's daughter beggar Mingwen |
 | 論吾國大學尚不宜男女同校 | Disussion on Chinese universities still not being co-educational |
 | 鼠之研究 | Study of rats |
 | 癯庵食譜(續) | Recipes from the Lean Hut (continued) |
 | 美容談(續) | Chats on beauty (continued) |
 | 蝨與臭蟲 | Lice and bedbugs |
 | 新達生篇(續) | New Da Sheng publication (continued) |
 | 婦女十五分鐘體操(續) | 15 minute workout for women (continued) |
 | 髮之保育法(續) | Methods of protecting hair (continued) |
 | 家庭藥物學(續) | Household Pharmacology (continued) |
 | 第六感 | Sixth sense |
 | 不消化症治療法 | Indigestion: disease and treatment |
 | 人種改良與父母教育 | Eugenics and parents' education |
 | 兒童問題之解決(續) | Solving children's problems (continued) |
 | 善為母者育兒之秘訣譯家庭雜誌 | |
 | 家庭看護學(續) | The study of home nursing (continued) |
 | 小兒玩具之審擇法 | Methods of examining and choosing children's toys |
 | 住宅與運動場譯美國母範雜誌 | Residences and playgrounds translation from America's model mother magazine |
 | 施行早教育之注意 | Notice to pay attention to early implementation of education |
 | 歐戰與各交戰國婦人之真相(續) | Europe |
 | 印度女界近聞節譯大陸報 | Indian women in recent news, translation from Continential newspaper |
 | 經蕙貞女士傳 | Biography of Mrs. Jing Huizhen |
 | 喁于館詩草 | |
 | 薔薇花語 | Language of roses |
 | 二商事見蒲留仙聊齋誌異 | Two trades selected from Liao Zhai Zhi Yi (collection of fiction) |
 | 怪客 | A strange guest |
 | 軍人之妻(續) | A soldier's wife (continued) |
 | 同心梔彈詞(續) | Concentric gardenia verse (continued) |
 | 本校十二週紀念會錄序 | This schools twelfth anniversary commemoration, a brief record. |
 | 屠蒯論 | Discussion on massacre |
 | 讀沈雲英傳書後 | After reading Chen Yunying's biography |
 | 讀史記十二諸侯年表 | |
 | 窮則獨善其身達則兼善天下說 | |
 | 業精於勤論 | Discussion on 'having a good command of something through diligent study' |
 | 亡姪女傳略 | Biography of a deceased niece |
 | 葉小鸞眉子硯源流小記 | |
 | 動物報仇談(續三卷六號) | Discussion of the revenge of the animals |
 | 兒童益智畫 | Puzzle pictures for children |
 | 童話 一文錢 | Fairytale: a penny |
 | 風俗畫 | Pictures of customs |
 | 通信問答 | Letters: questions and answers |